Date: 7/9/2018
By belle7244
There were a few parts of this dream. The first, we all piled into a series of a lot of buses, because for some reason our school suddenly had a lot of students. We believed we were going home, but my bus brought us to this weird walking area with one statue, a bunch of dying trees, and some scary vibes. When we got back, the next bus that took me wasn’t going anywhere specific but I remember talking to the bus driver about his sad life. Next I was in a school gym with huge ceilings. The teacher giving the assembly was a YouTuber—Danny Gonzalez I think—and he kept saying things like “if you disobey my rules, we fight to the death. Actually, I think he was the principal. Anyways, some kid like giggled or something. So, Principal Gonzalez takes the kid and punts him. The kid flies into space. Everyone cheers for him. The assembly continues as he continues to emphasize his fighting rule and fights more students. The last part began after I had woken up and fallen back asleep. It was very brief. I saw a vision of a t-shirt that had a square containing nine gifs on it. I must have been having the dream from a first person perspective, which isn’t usually the case, because I remember saying to myself “t-shirt designs can’t move” but there they were. They were moving. Most of the gifs were spongebob memes.