Digital art, Describe the surreal experience of a Russian cosmonaut and their crew as they prepare to launch their spacecraft from a giant floating rock in a distant region of space.

Russian astronaut

Date: 1/3/2021

By thetruecall

I was an astronaut on a voyage with a Russian crew (so, a cosmonaut?). Our mission seemed to be exploration, but with some more vital important purpose. I think we had a crew of about 6 or 7. Vladimir Putin was one of the crew members. Our spacecraft was small with maybe the capacity of a large van. The craft was very lightweight, such that one or two people could carry it. The exterior of the craft felt like the shell of my Northface coat, but slightly firmer, and almost crinkly to the touch. It felt like the craft was designed to be collapsible, and maybe inflatable. I wouldn’t say the craft was delicate, but care was taken to avoid tearing the exterior. Anyways, at some point we landed on a large rocky asteroid in some distant region of space. I found myself outside the craft with other members of the crew. The environment around us was surreal. The force of gravity seemed to be We could stand on the rocky surface were we were, but as you looked at a distance, gravity seemed oriented differently in different places. I could see other landscapes/objects floating in the distance and thick colorful gasses swirling at other points. It was near the time for us to depart. Some of the crew had figured out that on a previous mission, Putin had deceived his crew and left them behind, taking the ship for himself. Apparently this was done so that Putin would be the only person to return home with the knowledge of the mission. This knowledge was believed to be significant in some way, or perhaps valuable. The present crew realized Putin’s prior deception after he began acting suspiciously. Putin maintained the the earlier crew was left behind because of some sudden emergency with the ship, over which he supposedly had no control. However, when the current crew reconstructed the events of the prior mission, they realized there could not have been an emergency as Putin described. A crew member was stationed next to the exit hatch to watch for Putin, and he and another co-conspirator crew member were caught trying to take the ship without the rest of the crew. Putin was forced off the ship and made to stay behind with his co-conspirator, while the rest of us began carrying the ship towards the location for departure. Putin was quietly enraged and ominously watched as we moved away. We came to the location for departure. Apparently the craft had to be suspended from the precipice we were on, pointing downward. Far off beneath us you could sea a sky of swirling gasses that we would be flying towards. (The implication being that we were on some huge floating surface of rock with gravity reversed relative to the gas floating below us). The crew had to climb down to the place where the craft was suspended, and the process was frightening because the route was along the edge of the precipice. We had to crawl/climb/jump between spires of rock. The other crew-members were apparently accomplished mountaineers, and were much more comfortable with the climb than I. They were still joking and laughing while I was much more focused on not falling.

AI generated interpretation This dream could be interpreted in many different ways, but it appears to be a reflection of a situation in which you feel you are being taken advantage of, or deceived by someone in a position of authority. Putin serves as a symbol of someone who is powerful, manipulative and untrustworthy. The crew's discovery of his prior deception demonstrates your recognition of the deceitful behavior, and your determination to protect yourself from being taken advantage of. The precarious climb down the precipice could symbolize the risk and difficulty associated with taking a stand against people in positions of power.