Date: 11/20/2019
By blucanary
~ I woke up multiple times thinking "This shite is cool, I better get up and write it down! Im gonna be so upset if I get up in the a.m and dont remember all this!" But I was so tired I'd fall back asleep again =/ At one point I even dreamt I *was* writing it down, and had more than half of it written! But lo and behold, now that I am fully awake, I see that I did not have anything written down. And I only remember PARTS of the dream(s). They kinda kept continuing as one for the most part, but since I only remember parts and not the entire story line, it's really difficult to say. Well, let's attempt to get some of this down. ~ I was at some sort of beach. I was in another country though. India or something. The beach was GORGEOUS! It had a lot of cliffs, hills, and greenery to it. At one point, high up on some cliffs, my daughter Q (she's always different ages in my dreams, from way younger to way older... This time she's abt 21) and I decide to try to find this old legend that speaks of a white beauty or goddess in the sea that you can only get a glimpse of on certain parts of the hillside. We start down the hillside, visually searching the sea as well as the hill sides themselves. I think I might see a patch of area in the seafoam that cd look like a womans face, but then I lose it. There are kids playing along the hillside. They're screaming and jumping, being loud and having fun. There's one young boy ( probably abt 9-ish ) I take notice of. He's on a sort of rope swing, with his foot in the knot hole part and hanging on tightly with his whole body, swinging back and forth. The rope swing itself practically gets lost in all the tree tops and part of a flimsy tree house, but I try to follow the rope up with my eyes to see where it's tied off at. Between the boy and the tree house was a girl. In her mid-teens. She had on a plain burgundy t-shirt, her hair cropped to abt her ears. Black, with dark skin. She was native to the country we were in ( India or something like that, like I said ). She had hung herself and was hanging by her neck from the treehouse ( she must have put the rope around her neck and just stepped right off the ledge of the treehouse ). The extra rope that hung from her neck is what the boy was swinging from. The rope was so tight around the girls neck, she just swung back and forth as the boy swung, her face somehow full of both sorrow and nothingness all at once; her eyes bulging and her lips severely chapped. How had no one else taken notice of her?! I start hitting Q, unable to speak, just excessively hitting her and pointing up at the teenage girl, not once able to take my eyes off her. Q cant handle stuff like that. She screamed and passed out as soon as she took notice of the girl. This is when other ppl started taking notice. Ppl are now coming over to see what all the fuss is. They're talking in their native tongue. The boy has now started to freak out bc of the dead body he's basically been swinging from and somehow didnt even notice until he saw me pointing up above him. Ppl are on their phones making calls and taking pictures. The next thing I know, Im at the police station. We're in a large parking building. Q is still passed out. Ive got her in my arms holding her and crying. Im crying for her ( when will she wake up and will this traumatize her when she does ), for that poor young girl and everyone who knew and loved her, as well as for the situation I was in. Police were surrounding me, handing me papers and trying to figure out the situation, but none of them knew English and I didnt know their language. The frustration and sadness of the entire situation just wore me down and I sat in the parking area with Q in my arms, surrounded by police and police cars everywhere, just crying so hard.
AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be a complex mix of different themes and emotions. The setting of the dream, a beautiful beach in another country, could represent a sense of adventure and exploration in your life. The search for the white beauty or goddess in the sea may symbolize a quest for finding something elusive or mysterious in your waking life. The teenage girl hanging by her neck from the treehouse is a disturbing and distressing image, reflecting feelings of shock, helplessness, and horror. This could suggest that you are experiencing feelings of powerlessness or being unable to help someone in distress in your waking life. The fact that no one else seems to have noticed her until you pointed her out may indicate feelings of isolation or being unseen in your environment. The presence of your daughter, who changes age in your dream, could represent different aspects of yourself or your relationship with her. Your reaction to the situation, hitting her and eventually holding her while crying, may reflect feelings of protectiveness and concern for her well-being. The language barrier with the police in the dream may symbolize communication challenges or feeling misunderstood in your waking life. Overall, this dream may indicate a mix of emotions such as curiosity, shock, sadness, and frustration. It could be reflecting subconscious fears, anxieties, or unresolved emotions that you may be processing in your waking life. It may be helpful to explore these feelings further and consider any underlying issues that may be surfacing through your dreams.