
Date: 8/22/2021

By thetruecall

I had to walk to some event along the side of the road. For part of the journey I had to walk next to an interstate highway (I-35 specifically). I remember walking onto the on ramp and past a Target near of where I live. I group of men were trying to sneak up on a position held by Nazi soldiers. They were below a ridge (where the Nazis were located) and crossing a sandy area with poor cover. The men are spotted by the Nazis who begin shooting at them. Two of the men in front are shot but manage to roll behind a grassy dune. One of the Nazis runs down and throws a potato masher grenade at the wounded men (throwing it very close to himself, but whatever). The wounded man manages to throw the grenade back at the Nazi and wounds him. The two grapple, but I can’t remember what happened to them. At some point I realize we are in the Netherlands and the dikes have been destroyed, flooding the countryside to hinder a Nazi invasion. At some point I’m sloshing through an area with water just above my ankles. I see a map of Holland with the flooded areas illustrated. I am walking home(?) at night. It turns out for part of the walk home I have to walk on the interstate again. It feels like 2 or 3 a.m. I feel a certain trepidation about walking along the side of the interstate at his hour, but for some reason I feel like I have no choice, so I proceed. I walk up an exit ramp. The interstate is illuminated by tall streetlights. I see very few vehicles, but I think the people driving them must think I it’s strange to see me out walking. Other than the occasional vehicle, the night is still and quiet. I get to my exit and walk down to the city streets. I come upon a roundabout near my neighborhood and meet up with two girls I know (I know them in the dream, but they’re not anyone I recognize IRL). They both have long blonde hair, but one of them has wavy hair and the other’s is straight. I distinctly remember the one with wavy hair was wearing short cut off jean shorts and had extremely sexy legs. They are both very attractive and confident. They seem slightly drunk. They have that particular affect of attractive women in their early 20s who are slightly tipsy. For a moment I become disoriented and forget where I’m at, but I check my phone and remember where we are.

AI generated interpretation The dream is a reflection of your inner feelings and perspective. It can give insight into your current life circumstances, thoughts and feelings. In this dream, the interstate may symbolize a journey you are taking in life, and the Target could represent a goal you are working toward. The group of men trying to sneak up on the Nazi position may represent a challenge you are facing, and the flooded countryside could suggest a feeling of being overwhelmed. The trepidation of walking on the interstate at night could represent a feeling of anxiety or uncertainty about the future. Lastly, the two attractive girls could represent a feeling of confidence and optimism.