Crashing John Mulaney’s Honeymoon

Date: 7/23/2018

By belle7244

It began with my family moving to Arkansas but it was where Arizona was for some reason. I started to think about all of the vacations I could go on now that I was closer to a different area of the world. I decided I’d go to Japan. I swam there bc the world was very small for some reason. I got there and my sister appeared. We could see a reef to the east of japan and the Great Barrier Reef to the south. My sister said “we should build an island on these reefs!” I became livid. I started huffing and puffing, I got in her face, and I told her “if you even touch the Great Barrier Reef, I’ll kill you.” She got scared and left. Japan was like a small tropical island. I ran into John Mulaney and we began talking. He said something like “I’m here on my honeymoon. It’s very nice to meet you, but you’re going to have to leave once my wife gets here.” I agreed to do that and we continued to talk as if we were acquaintances. Then he walked to China and found his wife. I don’t remember walking, but somehow i was in a spot that made it look like I was following them. I felt really bad but for some reason I physically could not leave. I felt bad bc I knew he wanted me gone, but I couldn’t go. We got back to Japan and I asked his wife, Anna, a question. I was very awkward and visibly uncomfortable since I knew I had to go home, but something forced me to ask the question. Anna just kind of looked at me like I did something awful. I then said “I’m very sorry, I’ll leave Japan now.” She told me it was alright and then they walked away to a board game area that someone set up for them. I think it was Life or Monopoly or whatever. I walked to see the Great Barrier Reef somehow and thought about how rude I had just been. Then I thought about how to leave Japan. Planes weren’t an option and now, for some reason, I was too afraid to swim bc I was afraid of sharks now. I got out of the water. I had a vision of myself driving up to Russia, going east, and crossing the water up there to get to Alaska. My vision showed me that I failed that expedition. I went to cross the ocean and my mom was telling me to come home. I somehow swam across the ocean very quickly. It cut to me at home and for some reason jacksfilms and his wife, Erin, were there. I was staring out my front door, jack was playing darts in my kitchen, and Erin had sat down at the table to watch. Then jack asks me something about Spotify, I assumed it was for a video, and I answered “Insane Clown Posse.” I’m not sure why I thought of them but I did. I sat down and we started to talk about my friend who used to be a borderline juggalo.