Highways into video games with Gma Pat and Poppy Party

Date: 10/4/2019

By mattmcd

Long ass dream. Started off driving fast cars on a weirdly made highway and bridge then went to eat dinner at a strange restaurant with my family but they weren’t anyone I knew and they were black. Then went to someone’s house playing video games I believe we were in a basement but it was certainly not the usual JoeDoe’s. Was dreaming about Julia again first. She’s actually fucking beautiful and that’s what I want to remember from this part of the dream. We were then moved outside onto a high up deck. Reminded me a little bit of our deck at 29 Tennyson Place but raised up higher. I then saw my grandmother, Grandma Pat she was very happy to see me. (I have to go and see Grandma Pat soon) I then saw my Pop, he was kind of lifeless almost like a robot. I then started to talk to him on the phone for some reason I was sitting in a chiropractic office waiting room now. Hearing his voice made me very very emotional and I didn’t know how to handle it. I was hit with many emotions in a small amount of time. His two word frozen-like responses were more then enough for me to breakdown a bit. I remember John coming in and comforting me talking to me about what I just went through there. I feel pretty good and A little sad but at ease now awake.