I am high as fuck AS FUCK I WROTE IT OUT— Anyway I’m cooked I started scrapping the yogurt cup I was eating with my spoon and I looked to my bed and I s...
Long ass dream. Started off driving fast cars on a weirdly made highway and bridge then went to eat dinner at a strange restaurant with my family but th...
Haven’t dreamt in a while... this was a good one. I fell asleep very early woke up a twice before having this dream. I was in Oneonta part Julia’s house...
JoeDoe was having us over. I went to hang out with Michael Dimitri for a little bit. He started chasing me down with his car, I forget what he was tryin...
I can’t necessarily remember my dreams last night, I woke up about three times during the night and would dream about different things. I remember Val b...
In JoeDoe’s basement playing 1v1v1 2k but it was a game mode constantly running up and down the court dribbling but no shooting or even baskets. I wasn’...