Date: 5/26/2020
By leusid
Before the insane Ocean Drive dream, I was part of this seemingly elaborate and dramatic narrative that I'm going to fail to fully and accurately recall.. one part I remember at the end is Davie G interacting with some sketchy seeming guy who said..... Something ridiculous that I can't recall lol damn, and Davie G called him out a bit while also acting like everything was normal.. I think this may have led into the ocean drive dream actually. Sometime before that, I was working nights alone in this office building that also felt weirdly homey. This went on for a while that I can't really recall. Then one night I was in the bathroom and I heard people get home. I was like oh shit and came out, walking downstairs and loudly saying sorry. They were talking among themselves as well, so I started repeating "sorry" until they stopped talking and realized it was a stranger. They saw me, and immediately I was like "I thought nobody lived here sorry I'll just leave now, I was just at work" basically. The patriarch seemed sympathetic to that. I think I needed to go back and grab some stuff, somehow I ended up talking with the family. I can't remember if this is the exact segue, but we were listening to some dubstep and I was like omg yes this is perfect this music it's like it came straight out of my brain. Somehow this connected me to a girl, the producer, the daughter here? Damn, there was a lot more story and shit, but all I remember is now being in love with her, we realized through dubstep that we like share soul frequencies or some shit lol. This also made me realize the purpose for some previously arbitrary seeming little subroutine in my work program, called something about Snuggling lol. Idefk. Oh I remember more! Something about .. someone not having cultural familiarity with things, brought in a solid gold envelope and a bunch of hundreds, some thousands, and a ten thousand dollar bill which was for some reason smaller than a normal bill, almost like a square. Whoever he was talking to was trying to rip him off.....