Date: 2/19/2025
By Jvoy1218
I don’t remember all the details, but the last part of this dream I definitely remember. I was talking to some person (don’t think ik them irl). We were in what seemed like a coffee shop. I forget what we were talking about but it was just a casual conversation. As I was looking at their eyes I got this really intense panic feeling like something really horrible was about to happen. That’s when I saw their eyes morph into different planets (it was like a green screen was covering their eye balls and planets were being projected onto them). I remember seeing Earth, Neptune, and Venus slide across their eyes almost like a slide show. As this was happening it felt like I was being possessed by some insane/manic/demonic energy. They started speaking nonsense in a very fast way and screaming/laughing. My field of view switched to where I could see my face and the same thing happened to me. My field of vision switched back to the person and I saw their eyes go from planets to this dull/muddy gray color and they just looked like their soul had been sucked out. This is when I woke up.