
Date: 7/17/2023

By Emile

I went to a function at some hotel on the side of a mountain in some Nordic country. The weather was mild, but the news talked of a forest fire. It was of no concern to me as it was quite far away from where my hotel was. During the function, I was approached by various different cats who just wanted to sit around and on top of me. Fast forward to the end, I was busy packing up all my belongings to go home. I packed them outside across from the lobby door. Multiple things happened in quick succession as if it were rushed: - a south african girl yelled at someone who was repairing stairs - i saw my late cousin and complained about Christmas being so close - some little girl tried to steal my sushi - Emilia Clarke was playing pool with her friends - My one friend and I talked about fireworks After all of this, I remember asking for some tupperware because I had a sandwich I wanted to put in it. After I didn't find one, I double checked that I had packed everything and headed to my car (which was a little ways up the road). I barely left the lobby when a ranger came running toward an idling car and uttering the sound "AHHHH" in a surprisingly calm way. This made me put some speed into getting my car. I barely took 2 steps when the ground started shifting and cars started flying down the road. This was accompanied by a lot of smoke and debris. I immediately turned around, grabbed one bag of the most important things and started running out the main gate and into the streets. As I exited the main gate, the ground shifted and took it with me in a landslide. I woke up after this. The whole experience made me feel panicked...