Adult lock-in/Randee phone/bunch of nothing

Date: 12/20/2021

By DevaJu5395

What the title says? On this sprawling property with about 20 people, I suppose everyone is there on their own because they start pairing off deciding where they're going to sleep. This guy approaches me, suggesting that we share a couch. He's cute, not usually who I would be interested in but I go along with it. As the night goes on, most of us are hanging out in this courtyard area on a modern train track looking thing - it's black with subtle grooves maybe a monorail track idk? Anyway I guess everyone assumes it's an unused track because we're piled on it like we're having a picnic or something. The guy I'm supposed to share a couch with has wandered off hanging out with a couple, a guy and girl. I start to realize he's bi and into this couple and I start to get upset because I wasn't even into him in the first place but now everyone has grouped up and I'm the odd one out. He comes to me wearing nothing but a thong lol and hopping on one foot, saying he hurt his ankle and is going to sleep on the kitchen table lol? I get mad and tell him he doesn't have to lie if he doesn't want to sleep with me. Suddenly a lady comes running in screaming, train! TRAIN! And everyone runs to the courtyard area and sure enough, a train is barreling through everyone's picnic. They're all standing around, shocked at what just happened. I kind of shrug and walk off, glad that I didn't have anything on the track and still just mad at this guy. I start poking around the kitchen, just being nosy and going through cabinets. I come across an old SD card/SIM and it has an old friend's name on it. I get curious and put it on my phone and start looking through all the pictures and videos. They're pretty much all about different goddesses, beautiful gifs of them with blurbs about their history. I wander around the place, still looking at the phone and end up on the couch next to the guy who had approached me earlier. He's lying down but I can tell he's awake and erm, presenting, for lack of better words. I think I'm still going to sleep with him after all. Cue alarm irl.