Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Breaking into an abandoned house, encountering neglected dogs, and finding a stash of new items in the bathroom closet, before being chased out by unexpected visitors.

Breaking & Entering, Then winning a salad?! Or was it beans?! Wait, now it's tickets?!?! WTH dream. You make no sense.

Date: 4/18/2019

By blucanary

~Al and I were living in some weird neighborhood where half of the houses weren't even occupied. Granted, it was mostly bc these houses were just built/being built but still.. We came across one house however that looked really run down and dirty, the yard was neglected long ago and it didnt appear to have any electricity. We assumed it was abandoned, along with all of the previous occupants belongings. ~One day we decide to go inside and see what all was in there. As we were trying to get inside a somewhat chunky girl (teenager I believe) wearing a dark blue floral top (and had black hair on the short side) saw us . She watched us for a minute then went abt her business. ~We made it to the bathroom where we find two rottweilers that had been shut in there. One, Al somehow manages to get in another room and shut the door. The second, we somehow got into the far corner of the tub near the wall and turned the shower on (apparently the water was still on even though there was no electricity). The doggie just kindof cowered in the corner of the tub not moving, afraid of the water (you know, cause dogs hate water - science [silly dreams, lol]) To get to us she wd have to go through the running shower, so we knew we were safe. Looking at her, I had an image in my mind. Of wrapping her in a thick sheet (completely) then taking it and bashing it against the inside of the tub until we saw blood bleeding through the thick white sheet. Then we wdnt have to worry abt doggie anymore (bc even now there was a slight chance she wd risk the running water amd jump through to attack us). The image subsided as quickly as it had come, but, DAMN! I wd never hurt an animal!! I mean, yeah, if I was ACTUALLY being attacked then I wd do whatever I cd to get it off of me, but that image...that was waayyy too far! Why are my dreams so violent?! ~Anyway, dogs taken care of, we begin to go through the bathroom closet. There's brand new stuff in there. Sponges still sealed, which we needed (the kind you do dishes w/, the double sided kind). There was at least a dozen of those, if not more! There were brand new sealed razors. I grabbed a med. sized box something else was in, dumped it out and started filling it. Sponges, razors, cuticle pushers (I took abt 5 of those..some were sealed but the others still looked fairly new so I figured I wd just disinfect them), a brand new bottle of this absolutely beautiful pearl pink polish, a couple bars of soap (Irish Spring..we don't even use that, but I figured it was free, so why not?). The only thing of value that we grabbed was a ring. Womans ring, silver (or white gold, idk, guessing silver) w/ a dark blue stone. Sapphire? ~This is abt the time I ask Al, "Do you really think this place is abandoned?! There's an awful lot of brand new stuff here, and those dogs certainly dont look as though they're being starved or neglected". As I say this we hear someone pull up outside and then a vehicle door close. ~I look out a window and see an obese woman in the driveway. She is standing at her white van, talking to the girl that had seen us enter earlier. As I'm looking out at her (for only a moment), she leaves the girl and walks around to the side door. ~ We start to exit through the front but that same girl from earlier is still standing at the van where she was talking to the obese woman, just watching the door. It seemed as if the obese woman wemt to the side door and the chunky teenage girl stayed at the front in order to cover all exits so we cdnt get away. I start to freak out a little, unsure of what to do. So we decide on the only thing we can think of in the moment. ~As the obese woman in her moo-moo is opening the side door, we make a mad dash and run past her. We hung our heads hoping she wdnt get a look at our faces. Al is now someone else. A mix between my cousin Jen and old friend Rae. So a bit chunky. I'm skinny, so as 'Jae' (as Im going to call her, lol) ran, she dragged me behind and I was kindof floating in the wind behind her (like, she was ahead of me, she had my hand, and my feet were off the ground, I was holding on to my [hair/head/hat maybe?]. She ran and I was just floating-pulled behind her. ~We made it home but I notice that Jae didnt have the box of stuff with her! When we ran from the house, she left it behind! I was really disappointed! I felt as though going into that house, risking the dogs and risking being caught for breaking & entering was all for naught! I was quite upset! ~Early the next morning someone knocked on our door. I answered, even though I was afraid it might be the woman who's house we had broken into. Thankfully, it wasn't. It was an older woman, hunched back, hair scraggly and mostly gray, with another woman (a rather manly woman). They said, "I heard you guys won some (salad? beans? Some sort of side dish)". I say "Uhh, yeaahh.... We ate it last night". This made them angry. "YOU ATE IT ALL?! WE WANT SOME!" I was like, "Dude, it was enough for 3 ppl and we have a family of 6 here.." ~ That's when manly girl pushed her way through into our house and started looking around for the side dish or whatever it was. I tried telling her to get out but she wdnt listen. So I said, "What? You want a *real* adult?! Fine! I looked into my aunts room but they were still sleeping. I looked into my mums room and she was sitting in a rocking chair asleep. I HATED waking my mum up (she does NOT like to be woken up! And she will be mean and cranky ALL DAY if you wake her) but I also knew she wd be angry to know I didnt wake her when some strange woman was in our house. So either way I lose. I decided to go ahead and wake her. Groggily , eyes half closed and mouth open drooling, she slowly gets up. Both women are in the house by now but are making their way back to the door as I wake my mum. I tell her "HURRY! BEFORE THEY LEAVE, CATCH THEM!" My mums a beast (she's small, but cold as ice and vicious!) She makes it out to them and they have words. They tell her what they came for and she was like "Bitches! *I* didnt even get any! There wasnt enough for everyone! Why wd we give some to strangers when the mum of the house cdnt even have any?!?" ~ I suppose they left after that. The next thing I remember is dipping a very large roll of tickets (like the kind you can buy at Staples or something for festivals or carnivals or partys or whatever) into a very large vat (up to my chest and as wide & round as an above ground pool) of rainbow colored metallic paint. I had to twist the roll of tickets around evenly so the color went through the entire roll. It was really pretty. A whole variety of metallic shades. I thought to myself "No wonder they thought they might be able to have some. We definitely won enough to share! There have to be THOUSANDS of tickets here, if not hundreds of thousands! There's no way we cd have spent all of these on our own in just one night!" Of course that made no sense though bc they had wanted some sort of food, thats what we had won, my mum even woke up and said there wasnt enough for the family and what we did have we ate! So why is the prize now suddenly an @$$load of tickets?!?! ~That's it. Dream ends with me and someone else walking off to spend our prize tickets.