I got a summer job

Date: 11/13/2020

By MattyVRaps

So ive been getting lazy in life so I asked my friend Julia if i could come work with her in the city. I glt there she gave me a uniform and she explained the job to me. Originally my job was to enchant minecraft armor on display and write out the description. However that wasnt the case. The world was kind of in apocalypse but it wasnt totally destroyed yet. Our building was attacked by zbie like creatures and we had to defend. Some of the higher ups at this job wore red coats instead of out brown and they had telekinesis powers. Our main goal was to close the main doors. I ran from the lower deck and went to help Julia was there and after some guy got the door shut she said wait, that idiot didnt lock it. I jumped onto this thin pipe to yell to him to lock it but someone attempted to push me off. I caught mysefl and climbed up to safety. The door was locked but there was still some inside so I ran to other rooms looking. As im walking theres a wallway with rooms to my right but to my left its a HUGE up room with a drop off. 5 of the people with telekinesis powers raise large boulders aimed right at me and others, i yell EVERYONE RUN! I jumped into a room and slide under this bridge thing. I hear some women say “Its funny how all because ur not seen you think your safe.” She steps on my hand with spiked shoes. I say “okokok hold on” then i show myself. Before she gets a word put i round house kick her in the face. She could easily kill me but stands anyway. Then says “better start running, the others will handle you.” I run out the room to see every person i thought was a comrade walking towards i sprint the opposite way but there were more so i took a sharp left down a staircase to a tight dead end where Julia was to. They took us and said dont worry and opened the floor board and let us escape. The scary lady found out and girl who organized the escape almost killed by choking her with a wite but then she let go and was brutally attacked bu the scary lady.