I was in the forest and got pretty much bullied. I was homeless if i didnt live in a dorm. After tge night of being bullied in the forest i went and wat...
I was skateboarding near some shop. Shoppers kept getting in my way but i past them and turned around a corner. I went a but to fast and my skateboard w...
I was exploring an abandonedinsane asylum with others i did not know. Kyle was there playing foorball and as a joke i threw my keys to catch tge ball. I...
So I befriended a wild animal i believe to be a Hyena. It could speak to me but it seemed to under some evil curse. I tried to snap him out of it. He di...
So in this here dream I died but we’ll get back to that. I had a pet squirrel that also died but in this world when you die you are put in the wasteland...
So ive been getting lazy in life so I asked my friend Julia if i could come work with her in the city. I glt there she gave me a uniform and she explain...
I knew a famous, fictional, american muslim politican. He was going to be very busy and his daughter needed a eide or something and asked me to drive he...
I was in college and everyone was upasf about covid but still having fun. The villeyball kids were there michael oher alyiah austin alex and others. The...
I was in a awful car accident. I woke up and i was messed up but could still walk. There were 2 people involved in the accident, me and some girl that I...
I had a dream and it was almost like comedy movie but it was real(within the dream). A friend and I were on a mission in infiltrate this party. We walk ...
This dream was literally just an acid trip. I took a walk through this beachy/hilly area with paths during some sorr of outter space event. Some my frie...
There was this church where a lot of good friends worked and lived. Not crazy relgious but enjoyed the lifestyle. And just recently they were blessed an...
There was a beach and pirates sailed the seas. However in this sea was an extremely scary and dangerous huge monster. It was able to walk to mostly rema...
I had a dream that basically instas of spongebob i pitched the idea of pretty patties to a real life restaurant. I knew it be a successful idea but they...
So there was a war going on between to nations. The wafare took place in ancient times. However i knew the future. I know people would die eventually th...
In this world something happened to change everything forever. Don’t remember what it was lol. Anyways me and 2 of my friends were hanging out in some w...
This drea I remember had like 3 parts but i only remember the last part. Apparently i died and i was talking to a man. This man was the only thing stopp...
Me and a few other people travel the world in search of home. In this world monsters linger around every corner. We fight them off pretty easily. We set...
So i walk down the the end of my block(dead end circle) to see my neighbor and her husband having illegal cat races. So i tale a picture and then i see ...
Me and a group of people were walking around in some facility while it was on lock down. One guy there looked a lot like terry crews. We came across thi...
So me micahel and philly were at a playground later a night for something important. We were at war with the ninjas and out of nowhere they attacked. I ...
I dont remember all the details but this dream was a movie. So it started out with me and a bunch of others moving into an apartment together. It took p...
So in this dream i looked and felt like me but i was in a new version of my life. I new everyone from my old life (my resl life) but in the dresm everyt...
Me and A bunch of people were in the ocean and it wasnt deep by us because we saw a gigssntic wave far down away from us. This was was probably as high ...
So i heard noises outside and it was late. I look outside and see a truck parked outside my house. I look away and lay back down. Then i heard the door ...
I was in a really big house and i was trying to find out more about this girl. I was alone and there i saw my first horde. There was a N outrageous amou...
I was in the future with kyle and i think jessie, and ash was there for a little. We had bo idea how far in the future we were. We went to jessies hous...
So in this dream i died. I died and i dont know how. I awoke in a strange room, there were hallways and other rooms and it kind of looked lioe a office,...
So i watched a lot of drake and josh and it showed in my dresm. In this dream drake and josh died doing something heroic i don’t remember. Helen was the...
I had to go to suffolk for my first class and for some reason i was driving the wrong way on winterberry and there was a huge party going on. I was dodg...
I had a dream that there was a hidden military base upstate. I knew how to get there and sneek in. One day during a party i brought my friends there and...
So it was like i was in game of thrones. Not in the sense of the world but in the sense of people. I betrayed my house with a bunch of people to join a ...
I worked at a candy shop and i worked with an asian kid, this blonde girl, and Ashley. I fell asleep while writing this and i forgot. I think we were ro...
We were at the school and it was a normal day(the schooled looked like longwood on the outside but not the inside). I was in a science class not paying...
I lived in an unknown time and i had some best friends that i considered family. However we lived in a world with no privacy, monitoring 24/7, the peopl...