Being watched all the time, cannibal vampires

Date: 12/22/2021

By stardustzer0

I am living in the future, in a sort of compound that is meant to look like a harmless neighborhood. There are cameras everywhere though, and everyone is constantly being watched and listened to and if there’s the smallest sign of rebelling that person disappears forever. There’s no such thing as a whispered private conversation, because even a whisper is too loud. There is one place I can go to talk privately, a friend lives just outside of town and I go see her. There is a giant hill where her house is. We are standing on the hill and she asks what those towers are in the distance. I tell her they are there to hear if we want anything. I tell her they are so sensitive they can hear the slightest vibrations. Without saying anything I guide her to the bottom of the hill, opposite the large cell towers and press my face as close as possible to the earth to dampen the vibration from me speaking. I tell her something, something about how they are always listening and we must get out. I go back home to meet with my three friends to try to help them figure out how to get out, but without talking and without making any apparent motions to suggest so. I invite someone into my house and he just takes down one of the cameras. I’m upset because they will know one of their cameras has been taken down, and now we must disappear or be disappeared. I am on the road now, a passenger in a car following another car. It is a narrow gravel road next to a cliff, with the cliff looming tall on my right side. Up ahead there is a giant piece of machinery blocking the road, with a ladder extending up on the cliff. The car ahead tries to see if they can get around it but they can’t and suddenly there are military type vehicles coming from all other directions trapping us in and we are taken prisoner. At the prisoner camp I am both prisoner and warden. The warden tells me she has a big black pitbull that she wants to introduce me to. There is a man, still alive, hanging over the ground in front of a wooden platform where I am and where her soldiers are, standing and looking at this man. The soldiers are sneering. She tells me the pitbull named Death helps people talk. She brings the dog out and he is so excited to see the prisoner, he is lunging to get to him. She tells the prisoner this Can either take a long time, or it can be over quickly. He cries and tells her what she wants to know, and the warden lets the dog go and says kill. The dog rips out the man’s throat. I understand that if you resist the dog slows my mauls you, biting your hands and feet first and working his way up. That’s the difference. Torture, then death, or just death. I am the warden and I’m thinking about how hard it is to truly control this dog. He loves me now but what about when he turns on me, which he inevitably will. He’s too wild and insane to trust. I found him when he was near death and rescued him, and he owes his life to me in theory, and yes he loves me for now but what about when the food runs out? He’ll always need to eat and he is just an animal, and animal who knows the taste of human blood and seems to like it. My soldiers are more casual with him, he nips them playfully and bites their butts when he’s excited but they don’t think anything of it, even though they’ve seen him rip apart so many other humans. It’s like it doesn’t count because they weren’t one of “us”, but I don’t know who we are really. Just a uniform. I belong to another group, and this group is one of vampires. The sun does not hurt us, and we do not drink human blood so much as we devour the entire human whole, leaving only bloodstained mouths. We are in a neighborhood now, annihilating anyone who is in one of the houses. We bring out a mother and her child. We decide to save the mother, turn her. We devour her child though. The mother is so hungry she wants to get her older child out of the house. She thinks it’s to rescue them but really she wants to eat them. We let her go in. We must get more food so we head to the city. We’re in New York and find two buses full of people and we go through and eat them all. There is barely anything left except some blood. It happens so quickly there’s no time for word to spread. I want to go talk to someone I know, who is working at a restaurant serving brunch. We walk through the crowd of people and go up to the second floor, where this man is. He is light skinned and has curly hair. I tell him we need to talk and he looks at the people with me. He shows us to a separate room, like a living room that is soft white with plants and a window, comfortable but minimal furniture. I can’t tell him, I have to show him everything that’s happened. I meld my mind to his, there’s a visible electric current between our heads and he is able to see everything as if he was me. I need his forgiveness. For some reason, maybe because he sees that we really have no control over our own lives, he does forgive me despite the monster I have become. The mother of our group, the one recently turned who devoured her own child, wants to take us somewhere we can eat in peace. We follow her far up north, a place where land meets ocean but there is more ocean. It’s like an abandoned water park where people used to go and watch whales and dolphins and fish but in their natural habitat. We can breath underwater, and it’s beautiful there. There are no people though. She has tricked us, trying to get us away from being able to hurt any more people. She’s become aware of what we’ve done, what she’s done. This was a place of happy memories for her, a place where she wants to die. There’s food there and we do eat it, soft vanilla cake with creamy icing and cherry topping. I go into the water and it’s like the Sun is setting into the water, or rising from it. I can see clearly, and I’m spinning around faster and faster. The colors start to blur together- purples and oranges and pinks, blues, it’s beautiful. I’m spinning so fast I start to rise out of the water and now I’m floating. It’s a beautiful sunset. In another part I am trying to buy a Can of luxando cherries and the bartender tells me they’re $60 a can, and I say what- they’re $20 a can retail?! She slips a Can into my bag and tells me not to tell anyone. In another part I am in Ohio, a man is telling me he lives on such and such Street, off of miller. The streets don’t connect like that normally, but for for now they do. It’s up on a hill.