Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Disney Princesses, Armed Guards and a Cry-Baby find themselves in a world where reality and dreams blur into one, leaving them questioning what is real and what is just a figment of their imagination.

Disney Princesses, Armed Guards and a Cry-Baby

Date: 2/4/2019

By blucanary

~ I had recently become friends with Anna Kendrick (she wasn't an actress though, just a regular person like me). I had spent the night at her house, as friends sometimes do. Come the arrival of the following morning, we were just awakening. We were in her room. I was crawling out of bed and she was near the end of her bed with her son, a skinny little blonde boy abt 5 yrs of age. Both of them naked. Idk if they were getting ready to get into the shower or if they were getting dressed or what, but they were naked, and they were in my way of getting out of the room. I walked up to them to try to walk around but the little boy was angry at me seeing him and his mummy without their clothes on, so he screamed when I got close. I closed my eyes and put my arms out in front of me as though I were trying to find my way out by touch alone, without touching *them* of course! I said something silly and this small act of silliness was apparently just what the boy needed to be won over, lol! He laughed and ran into my arms. ~¡ I opened my eyes at this point and he snuggled into me. He told me his head hurt. So I rubbed his precious little head and kissed it. As I held him I cried. I cried so hard and asked Anna "Have I told you abt my son?" She said no, she was not aware I had a son. I told the story of Reece and how he was kidnapped and how the cops wd do nothing abt it. At the end of the story I said "That's why I LOVE little boys SOO M77ūUCH! Bc I lost mine". She was of COURSE ß as kind and sympathized w/ me. ~The next thing I remember was being on a bus. A school bus. Anna was with me and it was filled w a bunch of other adults our age (most we knew and were atleast acquaintances w/, like we were all in some sort of club together or something) We were all on some sort of trip together, Anna & I sitting together w/ another girl as well (it was the blonde girl near the window, Anna next to her in the middle and me on the end). Anna got my attention and told me to look over at this guy standing in the aisle just behind our seat. ~ He was tall, bald, black, wearing weird attire. It was like brown and black leather like he was from the set of Mad Max or something, a long leather jacket almost Matrix-style flowed behind him. He had a big dirty dark brown backpack in his hand. It had belts wrapped around it and some wires sticking out. We knew it was a hand-made bomb. Up ahead in the aisle was a large round bald white guy wearing a plain white t-shirt. He started walking towards the black guy behind us. ~ As he strutted back our way I looked at his face and saw his eyes. When he blinked his eyes changed, like one of those weird alien/lizard ppl you see in conspiracy theories (some conspiracy theories I whole-heartedly believe, others I do not. But that is not the point right now). I inwardly freaked out at this (inwardly bc I did *NOT* want him to know that I saw anything or suspected anything out of the usual. ~ Him and the black guy now walk up to the front. The black guy holds a rifle at the bus drivers head while the other guy plants the bomb and gives him directions to where he wants the bus to redirect. I start crying. I am practically bawling again. Im so embarrassed bc Im usually the one to hold my shit together, I dont really show emotion, I dont freak out, I'm "calm, cool, collected & rational", but now here I was the only one freaking out and crying. I felt like such a coward. Anna puts her arms around me and says "It's okay. There's no need to cry! They dont actually want to hurt anyone." I said "I know, I'm sorry! I havent dosed yet today and when I dont dose I'm really emotional! Remember when I started crying earlier too!" The blonde girl w/ us said "You havent dosed either? I left mine in my bags in the back." I realized then that I didnt even have mine on me. I had left them with Al to hold for me.He was supposed to meet up w/ us where ever it was we were originally headed (I think it was a sort of camping trip or something) but now we didnt even know where we were headed. ~ The bad guys were now walking back & forth up and down the bus aisles. I thought abt turning the video on my phone on to record what was happening as proof not only of what had already happened but also of whatever was still yet to happen. And if things went *really* badly, we wd hv video proof of it in order to get these convicted! But alas, I was too afraid that they might see me. I grabbed my phone from my bag at my feet and put it in the back pocket of my jeans. As I did this the bad white guy stopped at the seat two seats ahead of ours and grabbed the big black bag out of the girls hands that was sitting there (she was kinda short, kinda chunky -not straight up fat, but chunky- wearing a white shirt w a floral pocket and jean shorts. She looked so distraught as he took her bag. She asked him not to take it, she needed it, she had no other clothes, and he just laughed. I got really scared then that he might start taking other ppls bags as well. Mine had all the money in the world I had in it, which wasnt much, but I needed it! I kicked my bag under the seat a bit further so he cdnt see it. Maybe he grabbed hers bc she was hugging it tightly in her arms. Idk, but anyway.. ~ ..that being over, now the bad guys were elsewhere (maybe one was driving the bus? But they werent standing at the front and they didnt seem to be patrolling the aisles bc I walked up the front of the bus to look out the huge windshield. We were headed down a very very slim & rocky hill. Some parts were so bad we were literally air-bound for a number of seconds (and seconds are frightening in a situation like that!) more often than we *werent* air-bound. Every time the bus wd go air-bound and then land again it wd hurt. We felt it in our whole bodies. Gaining some courage and letting go of my cowardice, I had now started recording. I doubted that if anyone ever got to see this that they wd really understand the true horror of it. After all, watching something on a screen is far far different than actually experiencing it for yourself. ~We finally arrive at our destination. It's a bunch of buildings all surrounded by fences and armed guards. We were all walked inside one building. We were put into a large room that had a lot of other rooms off of it. One of the rooms had a sign outside the open door that said "Used books .75 cents". So I went inside w a few ppl and started to look around. As soon as we walked in we saw how few books there were and we were disappointed. But as we looked closer we saw some great books. Brand new wrapped in cellophane Disney picture books. But since they were brand new I knew they wdnt be .75. I found one book where the cellophane was ripped and tried to see if it was ripped enough for me to actually look through the book a little (I wanted to see what was inside before I considered buying it) but I cdnt. So I put it back on the shelf and left the room. I then went outside somehow. I wasnt suppose to be outside though. I was within the gates outside of the buildings in the back. Each building had a sort of back balcony. As I passed by someone on one of the balconies saw me below and yelled. That got the attention of the other ppl on the other balconies. An armed guard flew down from a zip line and grabbed me, taking me back up to one of the balconies with the rest of my group and ushered us all inside. ~This room we were ushered in was like a Disney boutique of sorts. One girl w/ long black hair in our group (styled like Jasmine's from 'Aladdin') picked up a head piece like the one Jasmine wore in Aladdin. I picked up a pair of gorgeous fancy hand gloves (they were silver & glittery). I didnt know which princess they cd have belonged to but they were gorgeous! Everyone had picked out an item they wanted. The "sales desks" were actually just long tables w/ elderly women sitting behind them. One of the girls with us said "Oh no, these are great, but we dont have any money on us". The elderly sales lady sitting on the end says "Dont worry abt it. You can pay it back later.". Everyone walked out with their chosen item. I walked out but then changed my mind and walked back in saying, "No, I dont feel comfortable taking these without paying for them right away". I didnt trust these ppl. The lady said "You almost took them. You did walk out. So they're as good as yours now." I said "No no, I'm not taking them." I left them on the table and walked away. ~As I walked out of the building we were now all outside. We were in the front though, and this seemed to be allowed. Almost as soon as we walked outside I noticed the same exact silver gloves sticking out of the dirt, almost completely buried. I grabbed them and started pulling. I didnt understand how these same gloves cd be out here, and buried in the dirt of all places! Was it fate that I have them? The hole they were buried in got bigger. I got the gloves out and then a long white net started coming out, attatched to the botom of the gloves, tangled up in them somehow. When I got towards the end of the net I noticed long blonde hair tangled up in it. The more I pulled, the more hair came up. Then I pulled a whole girl up. It was a Disney princess (wth is up w Disney in this dream?!) It was Princess Aurura from Sleeping Beauty. She was escaping her world and I was suppose to trade places with her. Once again I start crying (damn, Disney Princesses and cry-babies! Whatever). Im crying hard again and saying "So I trade lives w/ a Disney Princess and all I get to do is SLEEP?!? MY LIFE ALREADY SUCKS! I TRY TO SLEEP IT AWAY ANYWAY! EVERYONE ELSE GETS TO GO ON ADVENTURES FLYING THROUGH DIFFERENT COUNTRIES ON MAGIC CARPETS AND HAVING TEA W/ THE MAD HATTER AND I GET TO SLEEP?! WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT?!?" Princess Aurora says "But Prince Phillip is a wonderful man who will love you with all his heart. He wd be so sad to hear you say all this." I replied, "Yeah, he'll be great, but until he rescues me it's gonna suck!" ~The next thing I remember was me starting to wake up. I open my eyes and look around. I see I'm in Anna Kendricks bed again. I close my eyes, realizing where I am and what my reality is, comfortable. A few minutes later I open my eyes again. This time Im in the studio apt, next to Al. Im disappointed. This is my real reality. This sucks. Why cdnt I have stayed in the other reality? Was I ever even really there to begin with? Or was it all JUST a dream inside my head? It felt real. Maybe I really was inside a different reality for a mere amount of minutes. That's what I wd like to believe anyway.

AI generated interpretation This dream is a complex and rich tapestry of various themes and symbols that reflect different aspects of your inner thoughts, emotions, and desires. Let's break it down into different sections: 1. **Anna Kendrick and the Little Boy**: - Anna Kendrick can represent a connection to fame or success, as she is a well-known actress. However, in this dream, she appears as a regular person like you, indicating a sense of personal connection and friendship. - The nakedness of Anna and the little boy could symbolize vulnerability and innocence. The boy's initial resistance and subsequent acceptance of you could symbolize a need for emotional connection and understanding. - Your emotional response and story about losing your son suggest unresolved grief and longing for the lost connection with your child. This could reflect feelings of inadequacy or guilt related to your role as a parent. 2. **Bus and Armed Guards**: - The bus journey with Anna and others may symbolize a collective journey or adventure, possibly representing a shared experience or project with others. - The appearance of armed guards and the threat of danger on the bus suggest feelings of vulnerability and fear in facing external threats or challenges in your waking life. - Your emotional response to the situation on the bus, despite usually being composed, may point to hidden fears or anxieties that are bubbling to the surface. The mention of medication ("dosing") could indicate a need for emotional regulation or stability in waking life. 3. **Disney Princesses and Princess Aurora**: - The presence of Disney Princesses in the dream could reflect a longing for fantasy, escapism, or a desire for a more magical or idealized existence. - The trade-off with Princess Aurora and your reaction to being stuck in her Sleeping Beauty role suggest a dissatisfaction with feeling trapped or passive in your own life circumstances. You yearn for more excitement and agency in your waking life. 4. **Reality and Disappointment**: - The shifting between different realities and the questioning of what is real reflect a sense of uncertainty or dissatisfaction with your current circumstances. - The longing to stay in a possibly more fulfilling reality with Anna Kendrick may symbolize a desire for escape from the challenges and disappointments of your waking life. Overall, this dream may indicate a complex interplay of emotions, including grief, longing, fear, and a desire for change or transformation. It may be helpful to explore these themes further in the context of your waking life to gain insights into your subconscious thoughts and feelings. If these emotions continue to affect you, consider discussing them with a therapist or counselor for further exploration and support.