Drugs, cards, redemption

Date: 3/9/2020

By leusid

Went to a drug dealer's place, apparently a very huge sketchy operation. While the person who brought me there went into the back to conduct business, they strapped me into a chair in the lobby so I couldn't move until they were done. Watching old videos on my phone, a ton of stuff in Guatemala slash also the east side of the house I grew up in, a ton of people playing in water. A game where you apparently shoot lines of giant playing cards at people in a sort of sports field/arena, I somehow got lucky and hit almost everyone on the enemy team in one perfectly aligned shot while I was doing a backwards aerial flip. I watched this vid a few times. There was like this abomination monstrosity joint that had a bunch of tips, many half smoked, jutting randomly out of a bulbous mass at the center. Some guy said they'd be popular, I said even cross joints were to complicated to be worth it. I couldn't light this thing. Me and a couple other girls met up and were being friends, then a girl who was supposed to be bad was there? Reminiscent of Katra, though I feel like her name was Nicole for some reason? Just realized I think her hair was inspired by Natasha Lyone lol. Anyway, her presence was uncomfortable, people expected conflict. Then I leaned over and gave her a big hug and said "I miss you" she said she missed me too and we hugged for a while. It felt really nice. It was like a shift, she became validated, accepted, our bond transcended old barriers? I feel like I still kinda treasure that moment even now that I'm awake. I can't remember what, but I feel like something happened leading up to that.. maybe, she was some sort of villain or rival character, maybe an opponent in that weird card game. I think I'd ended up playing against her, or maybe with her, and bonding with her?