Date: 11/12/2019
By blucanary
~This dream has no real consistency, but it was rather interesting to be a part of it nonetheless. The first part I really recall is walking along the shore, around sunset. It was myself, two other adults ( both men, Im almost certain. Dapper men at that. Short stylish hair with the short yet curly moustaches, vests over the long sleeved button up white shirts [and those button pins fancy men wear- oh yes, cuff links they're called] with gray trousers. ) They were old-timey dapper though, NOT hipsters! I would like to make that VERY clear!! A matter of just a few feet ahead of us were two small blonde haired blue eyed twin boys between 6 - 8 yrs of age ( they had to have been with us though I cant quite say whom they belonged to ). Absolutely adorable. They walked side by side, in their white tops and gray sailor shorts ( is what I would call them anyway ) never seperating.. And never to be seperated, for life and death eternal. Suddenly the waves came up large, making the ground beneath us wet. Not just so that the soles of your feet sank into the newly wet sand, but so very wet that the boys themselves began to sink completely .They sank so fast into the wet mud, one right after the other. The one closest to me sank first but his brother was but mere milli-seconds behind! I saw the blonde hair sink lower until it cd be seen no more. I tried digging for them but cdnt find them. Every hole I tried to dig was just as quickly filled once again with water. Another wave came along and washed away with it some of the dirt/mud, instead of creating more with it. This might sound like great news, but it only made the whole situation that much more odd; distressful, one might even say paranormal in a sense. Not paranormal in "ghosts" and "aliens" but paranormal in the sense that 'para' means 'out of the' and then of course the word normal. So "out of the norm" - "not easily explained", left everyone utterly baffled! NOT NORMAL! This layer of sand and mud revealed a large well organized field of sea plants. I cdnt understand. With all these plants in rows upon rows practically touching one another and all their roots twisting together, there's no place for the boys to have gone... What in the world happened to them?! I wanted to keep digging but I knew that by now they were dead. We had to simply leave, walk away. Minutes, I dont even know how many by now -atleast 10- had passed. They cdnt have breathed in all that watery mud and survived. Melancholy we walked off, tears in our eyes and holes in our hearts that wd never heal. We now reach a different part of the dream. We ( as in myself and a driver ) were on a speed boat in a small bay. It reminded me of Italy. The bay kept getting smaller ( thinner ) and the driver suddenly was just gone. I grabbed the wheel and tried not to run into other ppl, but I wasn't really succeeding. I had no idea whatsoever as how to handle the controls. Then I rammed one guy into the corner of the bay ( it just kept getting thinner until it looked like one looong thin triangle ). After that I managed to turn the boat around somehow and went home I guess. When I got home ( I lived w/ my mum and my little sister.. She's dead irl but was about 8 in the dream ). My mum had made mention of an ex boyfriend of hers named George. She had even ripped out a large handful of pages out of the telephone book for everyone named 'George' ( this specific telephone book was apparently alphabetized by first name, lol ) so she cd try to find him. After this small incident w/ my mum, my ex, Tomas was there. It was so great to see him! We just hung out, didnt do anything special per se. It was just the being together that was special. At some point of him being there, he and I were lying on the bed with my little sister Jade watching a movie. Something was bothering her. I was stroking her hair and giving her kisses, trying to get her to open up to me. She finally did. She told me she had noticed that the phone book had all the 'George's' ripped out of them. She said "I just knew this wd happen to me!" She thought Mum had given a son up for adoption before she had the rest of us, named him George ( after her favorite Beatle ) and was now trying to find him again, and when she found him she would abandon the rest of us ( and Jade still being a child, this bothered her ). I don't know where she got such an idea, but I tried to reaasure her that no such thing was going to happen but it wasnt working. I thought it best to speak to Mum. Let her know what Jade found and the conclusions she was jumping to. Went to Mums room to hv a private chat with her. I had to keep pushing Tomas out. Jade made me promise not to tell Mum abt what she said when she saw me in Mums room. I felt terribly bad but I had already started telling my mum and I needed to help Jade learn the truth. The thought that she had an unknown brother given up years ago was heartbreaking to her ( as was the thought of mum abandoning her of course! ) As with most other parts of my story, there was no resolution to that. However we do get to a new part with a tiny ( palm sized ) monkey man who went by the name of Tou. Tou was kindof a pet of ours and also a beloved family member. We wd let him out to play in the grass and trees and never was there any trouble. Until.. One day pulling up to my brother in laws house upon his golf cart, Tou got out. We all tried to grab him but he was in the grass. And he was FAST! And cd jump like you wdnt believe. 0 to 75 in a second. He jumped into a dirt hole with weird bugs in it. I saw a hand beneath the dirt up against the side of the house. Scott ( my bother in law ) said it wasnt a hand, it was a group of rocks or something but he was looking at the wrong thing. Then the hand grabbed Tou! He grabbed Tou and we saw the dirt below us begin to move. The hand was quickly making it's way towards the unfinished back deck to try to escape. Scott tore the top layer of deck away only to find HUNDREDS of snakes ( most of them boas, really long and thick, all twisted around each other ). My son Reece was with us ( he was abt 8 years old in the dream ). He fell into the snake pit and started sinking in. I screamed and ran after him to save him. His p.o.s. father heard the screaming and ran out lightening fast, getting to him and saving him before I cd. He had him cradled in his arms already out of the pit while I was now trying to get away from the pit ( over a small ledge fence thing where the snakes werent facing ) but was hvng difficulty bc one snake was biting my butt. I could have saved him! I WOULD HAVE SAVED HIM if only Dick didnt get there first! No one needed him! I wish he would have gotten eaten. My p.o.s. ex ( Dick ) got there first, once again coming across as the hero. The hero who tricked me into doing drugs when I needed a hysterectomy to help w my endometriosis pain. Bad drugs. Coke. Injections. Etc. "Come on, I love you, I wd never hurt you"... Until he went to jail for a year for 'intent to sell drugs' and when he got out - picked up our son one day and never returned. For 2 years I never even got a call or piece of mail saying "your son's okay" or anything. But apparently legally thats totally okay bc Dick and I were legally married. So he cd kidnap our child, never let me know whats going on and that is PERFECTLY OK! So in my interpretation, I was trying to save my precious boy from that snake of a family...but just like in real life...he won. All the while the boas and such were biting my ass.
AI generated interpretation This dream is complex and filled with vivid and emotionally charged imagery. It seems to reflect deep-seated fears, unresolved emotions, and struggles within your subconscious mind. Let's break down some key elements of the dream for analysis: 1. The twin boys sinking in the mud: This could symbolize a fear of loss or feeling helpless in a chaotic or difficult situation. The inability to save the boys despite your efforts may indicate a sense of powerlessness or guilt in a real-life situation where you were unable to protect or save someone. 2. Being on a speed boat in a small bay: The narrowing bay and losing the driver may represent feeling out of control in your waking life, struggling to navigate difficult circumstances or relationships without proper guidance. 3. Searching for the ex-boyfriend named George: This could symbolize a desire for closure or resolution in past relationships, possibly indicating unresolved feelings or unfinished business with an ex-partner. 4. Interaction with your ex, Tomas: Reconnecting with an ex in the dream may reflect a desire for emotional connection or comfort, seeking support or companionship during a challenging or uncertain time. 5. Concern for your little sister's fears about abandonment: This could represent unresolved feelings of fear or insecurity related to abandonment or neglect, possibly stemming from past experiences or relationships. 6. The tiny monkey man Tou and the snake pit: Tou as a beloved family member getting abducted by the hand and the subsequent snake pit situation may symbolize feeling threatened or endangered by unseen forces or betrayals within your family or social circle. 7. The presence of your ex, Dick, as a negative figure: Dick's appearance as a hero saving your son from the snake pit while you struggle to protect him could represent feelings of betrayal or powerlessness in a past relationship where you were misled or mistreated. Overall, this dream seems to reflect a mix of fears, unresolved emotions, and struggles in your subconscious mind. It may be helpful to explore these themes further in therapy or self-reflection to gain insight and address any underlying issues or concerns affecting your waking life.