Somersaults, Frozen

Date: 7/23/2020

By leusid

We were venturing into someplace cold. It was down some back roads, maybe logging roads? We'd been instructed by guides(?) how to acclimate ourselves as we progressed: we would slowly do somersaults through the snow back and forth before moving forward into colder territory. We'd already done this once before (I think this happened in the dream too, not sure) but hadn't made it all that far. Somehow this time I was there alone temporarily. I knew the others would be arriving soon, but I decided to get a head start. I would roll through the snow about five times making sure to generously coat myself in snow, especially sensitive/less covered areas of my body, then trek forward for like thirty seconds before repeating. The going was slow. I was hearing a narrator, either talking to me or describing what I was doing, but either way I was interpreting directions/instructions from it. I made it past where we'd originally made it the furthest, and was surprised how much more road there seemed to be ahead. It wasn't straight, so I couldn't see the road, but I kept turning corners and going over small ridges and being surprised that I was keeping going. At one point I was feeling rather sluggish, relaxed even. I was lying there in the snow for a moment before continuing, and the narrator said I'd nearly fallen asleep and basically that I was lucky I hadn't. I realized that if I stopped moving and passed out in the snow I might freeze to death. I started to feel increasingly concerned, so I got up and kept going. I remember being surprised that I wanted to keep going rather than waiting for the others, or turning back. The narrator told me to go down this hill behind me, in the opposite direction I'd just rolled. I made my way to the crest and started to roll down it. The snow was powdery and deep, and I was moving slow. At this point I really realized I shouldn't be doing this alone. I looked back up the hill and, even though I was still nearly at the top, I couldn't see over the crest to where I'd just been. I was basically prone and couldn't really move, and I realized that if a vehicle came over that ridge that it would basically be upon me before it would be able to see me. Of course, I heard a vehicle approaching. I tried my best to move to the side of the road, but the road ran directly against a wall of snow to my left. I couldn't have gotten much closer to the wall anyway, but still I basically couldn't move. I looked back at the downward-sloping road ahead and saw a little open area off to the side of the road that I could have gotten to and avoided the vehicle, but I couldn't move! I tried to wave my arm up over the ridge so the vehicle would see me, but I think I was just barely too far down for that to be visible, and my gestures were weak anyway. I tried to yell to make my presence known, but I couldn't really do that either. The vehicle was almost here. Yes I was concerned, but realized I felt I should be a lot MORE concerned than I was. I guess I didn't even have the ability to feel strongly enough. I suppose I was nearly frozen, in every sense of the word. The vehicle came over the crest of the hill and into view. It was a tractor. It was nearly upon me when it saw me, and annoyedly avoided me. Wait, I thought, I need your help! Can you help me get somewhere safe, even that little area off the side of the road just ahead? But of course I couldn't communicate, and it seemed that he was just gonna keep going.