delirious lucidity

Date: 3/22/2021

By DevaJu5395

Couldn't sleep til almost 3am and had to actively make up dreams before finally falling into a strange dream about being on a boat with some people I know irl but don't really get along with. At one point I began to get frustrated because I was stuck with these people but all of a sudden everything became really cartoon-y and I excitedly announced to everyone that I was dreaming. I looked out at the water and it had turned into this whimsical mixture that resembled melted cotton candy or maybe the colorful soap used at drive through car washes. Without thinking I scooped some up and ate it, wondering internally if I would be able to taste it since I don't usually eat stuff in dreams and rarely taste what I do eat. Well it had a flavor alright.. It tasted distinctly like...cum. As in, male ejaculate. Lmao! And for some reason I immediately told my least favorite person to try it haha fin.