Date: 8/19/2018
By belle7244
We went to this island near Italy, which I think was called Gamorra or something, and it was a pretty small island. We got to our hotel and put our stuff down. We left and went to a map. My dad put a bunch of tacks on places such as Italy, a bunch of islands my mind made up, Turkey, and India. He told us “1 or 2 people in this family can be in 1spot at a time.” We never really got a reason, but my eyes were set on one of the islands. There was some discussion: “joe do you want to go to India or turkey?” “I’ll go anywhere.” “I wanna go to one of he nice islands with mom.” And so on. Then, my dad says “how about we all go to Rome?” Everyone said yes, but I did not want to go on a plane (which is weird bc I probably just took a plane to the island and probably would’ve taken a plane anywhere else). They assured me “it’ll be less than an hour, you’ll be fine.” I didn’t believe them. We were in the airport and I was arguing when the dream ended.