Hi rise gardening

Date: 7/26/2024

By shiftyltk

In a large rundown looking area. Walked into a greenhouse. Lots of trash to clean up. I work very hard and successfully clean everything up. There is a ladder leading upwards into the ceiling so I climb it. There is more trash and plants that need attention. I clean everything up. I climb another ladder. This CO tonues until I am on the 30th floor. The windows are large and overlook the city. It is dark out. I look out the windows and observe the neighboring units. Somebody sees me looking through the window and I slink away. Everything was dirty and cluttered but I cleaned it all up. This is a home depot type store but the plant selection is amazing! I'm very drunk at a party and slip away to do this cleaning. Every now and then I return to the party to gift people plants One of the floors is quite unstable. I climb up I to the rafters and inch along the rotted scaffolding. I look down and realized the drop is 20+ feet. Maybe I should be more careful There is a bag with a cat and a black mamba snake. I try to save the snake but it is aggressive. I have to chop its head off with my hand trowel The dream is long and vivid. I wake up relunctantly at 330 am having to pee