Date: 8/9/2018
By belle7244
In this dream, it was the middle of the night. I was on my phone since I couldn’t sleep. I then got up after awhile and decided to leave. I left my phone since I had no pockets. I went downstairs and found my sister up and eating ice cream. She asked me “what are you doing?” And all I said was “going out”. I step out of the door and check to see if I have money. I find $15 in my phone case. So, I walk into town and stop at a toy store. Town is not that close but I was able to walk there quickly. I went to a little toy store and looked for something under $15. I find a little toy fire truck and I go to pay for it. My cash has turned to four quarters and a dime, but for some reason it’s still considered enough. Then, I can hear my brother saying “where’s belle?” I freak out a bit and start to try and pay. My fingers are shaking now and it’s hard to pay, since I have to put the coins in a slot. I could hear him go “she went out? What do you mean?...oh my god. We have to call her!” I give up on the coins for a moment, as I was shaking more than I was. I grab the little phone near the cash register. I try to dial my home phone, but I keep mixing up the numbers and dialing different things. I’m panicking now and my chest feels warm. I still hear my brother: “she’s not answering! Something’s wrong, we have to call the police!” I’m freaking out now and my vision is getting blurry. It’s getting so bad, I have to wake myself up.