Trying to find a home

Date: 6/18/2020

By stardustzer0

Stephan and I get married, we go to the islands for our honeymoon. While we are there we go to the museum of Bahamian history- it is a large, serious building. The remains of the betrayed king are at rest there. The King was betrayed and acid thrown on him, and his remains are an airtight vat of liquid. That part of the exhibit is closed off, there are stoic security guards working there. There are pillars with blue jewels in the middle, and recessed exhibits in walls made of grey concrete. Stephan and I are back in America, I think we’re in Maryland. We’re with a group of people- maybe 4 or 5 of us- and we are trying to find a good place to live. It has to be out of the way but close enough to everything at the same time. We’re looking for a place where we can grow our plants. I already have a handful of poppies, they are almost ready to bloom and I need to transplant them so their roots have more room. The flowers are still budding, but they are close to unfurling. Someone shows me how to score the poppy pods after the petals all fall off. I suggest western Maryland because it’s close but far, and a girl in the group suggests a place that is similar but more removed. There is an empty semi trailer that someone shows us that we can use to grow our plants. I think to myself that the poppies cannot grow in complete darkness, but everyone else seems to love it. At some point we all take a bath together, the water looks dirty but it e don’t notice. I think there are bubbles.