Digital art, In a dream-like sequence, a group of friends hang out in a basement before one of them unexpectedly becomes immersed in a yearbook search and encounters awkward moments, while later, a person finds themselves in a distressing situation with children in an unsettling urban setting.

Wrong places wrong times

Date: 9/11/2023

By alessbd

I remember lots of little bits and pieces of my dreams last night. The first part I remember is hanging out with Keegan in his basement and Zoe was there for a little while. We might’ve watched a movie or something. Then she was gonna head out and Keegan walked her to the door while I was still on the couch. He then came back and said something but I couldn’t understand him. He repeated himself, but I had to ask him 3 or 4 times what he had said because he was mumbling and quiet and it was making me angry that I couldn’t understand. Finally I heard him say “she’s there if you wanna say bye”. So I got up and went to the door. I gave Zoe a hug and said it was nice to see her and to get home safe. She looked sad or maybe angry. I then complimented her hairstyle but she didn’t say anything and left like she was annoyed. When I went back to hang out with Keegan he had a yearbook. I guessed Zoe had brought it over. It was his senior year yearbook. So I went through it to try to find his photo. As I was flipping through the pages the setting we were in changed and we were now in the hallway of Blaine elementary. I kept flipping but I couldn’t find him. Then I found a whole slice of pizza folded into the pages. I thought it was gross so I made Keegan take it out and throw it away. Then the setting changed again and we were on the floor of a cafe. I was still looking through the yearbook but it felt like more people were there now. I saw a picture of the Russian girl who was a year older than me and I said loudly “I remember this bitch” only to discover she was in line ordering coffee right next to me so that was embarrassing Later in the dream I was at work I think, but with a bunch of kids I didn’t recognize. We were somewhere downtown or in Capitol Hill - not a great place for a bunch of kids. We split them up into two groups and Martha and Debbie were gonna take their group to a cafe while I was gonna take my group somewhere else. I noticed though that one of their kids had gotten separated from the group and was wandering off with another one, so I ran after her and took her into the cafe to find her group. I found them all sitting outside but everyone looked super distressed and Martha was like “look what they just started doing. Like of course”. I looked over the balcony edge down into an alleyway where I could see paramedics wheeling a body bag with a body in it into their van. The kids all looked really scared. One girls face looked purple so I said “are you alright?” And she said “I’m gonna throw up”. She ran inside and one of her friends rubbed her back while she threw up into a trash can. The rest of the kids were crying and confused. That’s about all I remember

AI generated interpretation Overall, your dream appears to reflect a sense of being out of place or feeling like things are not in their proper order. This can be seen through the various settings and situations that occur in your dream. The initial part of the dream, where you are hanging out with Keegan and Zoe, suggests a desire for companionship and connection. However, there is a sense of miscommunication or frustration in not being able to understand Keegan's words clearly. This could indicate a difficulty in fully connecting with others or a fear of not being understood. Zoe's reaction of leaving without saying much and appearing sad or angry further emphasizes a sense of disconnection. The presence of the yearbook and your attempt to find Keegan's photo may symbolize a search for familiarity and a desire to hold onto past relationships or experiences. However, the changing setting to the hallway of Blaine elementary suggests a feeling of being stuck in the past or trying to find something that is no longer there. The slice of pizza found in the yearbook could represent a distaste or disgust with certain aspects of the past. This may suggest a need to let go of old experiences or memories that no longer serve you. The shift to the cafe with more people and the embarrassing encounter with the Russian girl highlights a sense of being observed or judged by others, perhaps leading to a feeling of discomfort or embarrassment. In the later part of the dream, being at work with unfamiliar children and in a potentially dangerous location reflects a sense of being in a precarious or risky position. Splitting the kids into groups and trying to keep them together shows a desire for order and to maintain control in uncertain circumstances. The distress and alarming event of witnessing a body being wheeled away by paramedics further emphasizes a sense of danger and instability. The reaction of the children, with one girl feeling ill and others crying and confused, represents the emotional impact of the unpredictable and unsettling situations you encounter in the dream. This may reflect a deeper concern about the well-being and safety of those around you. Overall, your dream suggests feelings of disconnection, miscommunication, and a sense of being in inappropriate or uncertain situations. It may be valuable to explore these themes further in your waking life to understand any unresolved emotions or concerns that may be influencing your dream state.