Uber selfies

Date: 1/4/2021

By alessbd

Firstly I was in Norway with Sofia and 2 of her new Norwegian friends and one of them was really cute and I was kind of trying to flirt with him but he was being really mean to me and it only made me want him more Then I was somewhere with Sophie Otness and she had called an Uber and was putting on makeup and getting ready to take selfies in the uber. Then for some reason I got into the Uber and I felt bad bc it was hers so I was trying to take the selfies for her (???). The uber ended in some parking lot where I met up with Erin and she bought us tickets to get on a bus. Once on the bus I discovered she’d only bought herself a ticket and I was like oh fuck they’re gonna find out I didn’t pay. Then suddenly I wasn’t with Erin anymore I was with Magnus and Aske. In order to not get found out about the ticket I pretended to fall asleep on Magnus’s shoulder and I remember it feeling so comfortable and warm and I think it’s bc I was just really comfy in bed last night :-)