Fully Lucid

Date: 8/6/2018

By Jvoy1218

I dreamt that I was talking to my parents in my kitchen. I forget what we were talking about but I remember randomly realizing I was in a dream. I said out loud “holy shit I’m dreaming”. I remembered to stay calm and I immediately decided I was going to water bend. Idk why but that seems to be my favorite thing to do when lucid dreaming. I looked at a water bottle and moved my hand in an upwards motion. I was a little hesitant that it would work but it did. The water came out in a semi steady line. The more confident I got the better the water bending got. I also tried fire, air, and earth bending but the only two that worked were fire and water. Fire was weaker then water though. I would make a fist and a weak flame would come out and I would use my middle and pointer finger to make a steady small flame come out. I noticed if I crossed my pointer finger over my middle finger that the flame grew in size. Eventually I stuck with water because I was noticeably better at it. I made so many cool things with the water like mirrors and spelling my name. I also noticed I was able to move objects with my mind. I would pick up cups and make them levitate. I love these dreams so much I wish it was real life.