Date: 3/16/2021
By leusid
Was checking out a small company's new office building, it seemed very nice, all the offices were accessed through a central break room + hallway situation. I was surprised by the precision of the wall detail lol. I told the owner lady it was nice, she said something about how a lot of money went into the downstairs, she sounded like she was trying to mask bitterness with levity. I said I didn't even know there was a downstairs! She said I should go check it out, and she also said there was a journal in there that I'd been looking at, referencing a previous dream that I can't really remember anything about, maybe it took place at these folks' old office. The journal I'd been reading had some kind of sensitive information in it, and the lady was definitely trying to indicate I should go find it and use it. Then her husband came in the room and we had to pretend we weren't talking about that because I guess the journal was his, also he probably made the decision to spend too much money downstairs lol. So I was like yeah I do wanna check the downstairs out, and went to try to find the stairs. I went right to them like I knew they'd be there and headed down. It opened up into a big room but it wasn't fancy or anything. I realized I had actually been here before, but when? A previous dream? Maybe it was just a feeling. I walked to the end of the room and through a doorway in the corner that led into some kind of back room with little projects and things scattered about. I thought the journal must be here, maybe I can find it before the husband comes down, which could be any second. I accidentally knock something off the wall, a phone? I tried to hang it back up but it was dangling down to the table below now. The husband walked in and I realized I'd dropped my... Container of estrogen? Lol, into the pile of shit. My container of estrogen looked like a bunch of pieces of cauliflower colored either red or blue or a combo. Anyway he said it got all mixed up with his estrogen so we were trying to separate them and it was stressful, but then he realized that his was blue and mine was red, so any piece with any blue on it was his. There were some pieces that arey mostly red and just a little blue, I was like what if these are mine and they just got a little blue on them. I rolled my finger in the blue flecks on the table to try to demonstrate, but none of them stuck. "See? Squeaky clean" he said. He let me keep some of the mostly red ones anyway. I wondered if I had too much estrogen now. Also I saw a short clip of two old ladies who accidentally got too much estrogen and they floated away into the sky lol 🤷♀️