
Date: 5/20/2019

By stardustzer0

The first thing I remember is the apartment- all of us being shoved into a 2 bedroom apartment with our animals and each other. We had to keep the blinds closed and no one could know where we were. The apartment stayed clean despite the animals but everyone else didn’t understand why we had to stay hidden. Someone we all knew was tracking us down and trying to kill us one by one, and we didn’t know who it was yet. Next thing I remember is running outside or underground- there were maybe 5 or 6 of us. We looked like we were dressed for a weddings I think one of the girls in our group had gone evil, or gotten taken over by something. She kept getting us to separate, and each time one of us separated we wound up different, sort of deadish on the inside. I figured out which one of us was doing this and tried to get the rest of the group away from her but they didn’t understand right away why or how important it was.