UFO portal

Date: 4/18/2019

By EarthWarden

The dream(from about a year ago) starts with me in the front yard of my childhood home. I look up to the north and I see a bright rip in the sky shaped like a diamond. To the right of it are hundreds of tiny bright lights. More bright lights are pouring out of the rip in the sky. I noticed that a lot of them had started to come closer to the trees and then they started whipping overhead at high rates of speed. When they’re closer I can tell that they are saucers that are spinning and also gyrating like a gyroscope. In the yard next to me are my dad, brother and uncle. After all of the ships have passed overhead a very large ship clears the trees. It looks like an upside down pyramid but closer to the Mayan pyramids in the way that it was shaped. It’s slow down directly overhead and stopped spinning. At the very bottom was a square opening with a grate covering. A blue light blasted down over our heads. My uncle ran into the trees and I backed out of the light. My dad remained under it staring up at the ship. He started to float up and I grabbed his ankle and pulled him back down and out of the light. We ran inside and as soon as we close the door it went from being daylight to dark. I looked around and couldn’t find anyone so I went to my left and down the hall to my childhood bedroom that I shared with my brother as kids. When I walked in I saw what I recognized as a Pleadian woman. She had shoulder length curly, almost dreadlock type blonde hair. She waved her hand, beckoning me to come closer. Then I woke up