Dismantled Wardrobes, a Hair Dye Fall Out and a Misaligned Ying and Yang?!

Date: 4/27/2020

By amandalyle

I had invited a friend over and his wife had come along (who I don’t really know all that well) but she bought some wine, so happy days. I was feeling quite nervous, so kept knocking back the wine. I was faffing around the place, making sure everything was just so. When his wife went up to the bathroom, he told me how much he missed spending time with me and that his wife was driving him crazy. I laughed. Some others had joined us in the kitchen and they kept complimenting my long hair(?!) I felt really embarrassed and longed for them to move on to a different topic of discussion. I went upstairs to my bedroom to find my husband sorting out all our old clothes. For some reason, he had dismantled all of the wardrobes and had just folded the clothes up and put them in a huge pile. “What happened to our wardrobe?” I asked. “You got rid of it!” He answered. “Don’t you remember?” A vague memory of me smashing it into pieces came into my mind. “Oh yeah, I did.” I replied, coyly. Next scene; My friend kylie and I have made friends now after a short while of not talking to each other (we can’t even remember who fell out with who) but she had called me, asking for me to pick up a hair dye from the shop. For some reason, this made me raving mad angry. “What’s the problem?” Mat kept asking in the background. “I’m not going to pick you up a hair dye.” I said, “you can pick it up yourself.” “But it’s not for me, it’s for Ava... she was out too long in the sun and her hair has turned ginger. I need to dye it back to her natural colour.” She told me. “Fair enough, but why can’t you pick a dye up?” I asked. The phone line went silent and I felt sad that we had fallen out again. Next scene; I was at this indoor flee market with my mum. I was rummaging through piles of dresses and eventually found this floaty hippy-styled green dress which would be perfect for my friends wedding. I paid for it and put it aside, feeling pretty pleased with my purchase. Next scene; I was at the airport with a bunch of people (who I didn’t recognise, but were my friends) The Coronavirus was still happening, so flights kept getting cancelled left, right and centre. We needed to go to Scotland for a friends wedding, but there was a rumour going around that they had already gotten married, days ago, and were now on their way back to England. There was a collection of deep sighs. Sure enough, we saw them coming out of customs, hand in hand, smiles on their faces. They caught sight of us and their smiles dropped. “We didn’t get married.” They lied, “it was just a practice run!” I was in town with Paula when I received a phone call from Toni, in tears, telling me I need to call the crisis team straight away because her Ying and yang aren’t aligned?! I told her not to be so silly and asked her whether she’d like to meet Paula and myself in town. The phone line went quiet.