Date: 8/19/2020
By leusid
We were moving house, and apparently in the meantime we were letting the cats roam around outside while we got everything situated? I went out to check on Finn, and apparently we were living at some kind of shopping mall lol because outside was a huge ass expansive and very busy parking lot kind of situation. I found Finn inside this big boxy fort-type deal that we'd apparently made for him. Then he came out and was exploring around curiously, he looked bigger and leaner than usual, like some species of wildcat. I wondered if it was safe for him to be out around all these cars, but I decided he's such a cautious boy that he wouldn't just let a car run over him. I talked to him and reached my hand out to pet him, and he came to me and brushed against my hand. Apparently some static electricity had built up because my hand shocked his face pretty intensely. He didn't seem to like that much, but he hung around for more pets anyway. I switched hands to pet him more, and my other hand shocked him too. Awh poor boy, he laid down and I crouched down next to him. He rolled onto his side and compressed into this weird snakelike shape. He was just a long furry tube, and he was shivering. The ground was wet as if it had been raining. I wondered if he was really cold, and I hoped that his current shape was helping him warm up lol. I kept petting him, and this old woman and small child walked by. The little girl asked "what's that?" about Finn, and the lady was basically just telling her that's a cat and everything's fine. At some point during this exchange there was another little girl next to me with a bicycle helmet on, she said "it's dead" about Finn, and this time I responded, I said "no he's fine see?" Apparently Finn was also now wearing a bicycle helmet lol because I had to move the straps out of the way to see his face. He opened his eye to look at me and was breathing softly. Earlier, we were apparently letting him play inside a pizza box lol. Idk if I knew it was a pizza box at the time because it was much larger. Maybe this was what eventually became that fort. Anyway though after a while we looked inside and saw him playing and pouncing around on top of our pizza, and we were like oh noooo. He'd also eaten the majority of like three or four slices. We were like we gotta get him out of there before he totally ruins the pizza, and also that's probably not good for him! Earlier... Something about the old stomping grounds..... I can't remember :/