Digital art, Imagine an image of a person standing in a field, surrounded by a powerful being granting them wishes to be as strong as the strongest human who ever lived, to fly and make themselves invisible, to be invulnerable, to have an infinite supply of money, and to influence other people to do what they want.


Date: 12/21/2021

By thetruecall

I was out in a field somewhere, maybe for a run. At some point a powerful being (angel?) showed up and granted me some wishes. I asked if I could have some time to think about it. I also asked to make sure they wouldn’t read my mind and grant a wish based on what I was thinking. They agreed to only grant wishes based on what I said out loud, so that was a relief. I remember thinking that I should come up with something really clever, something that would give me a bunch of good things by using only one wish. I also felt like I should ask for something to benefit humanity. But then I got impatient and said fuck it. I asked to be as strong as the strongest human who ever lived. I asked for the ability to fly, and I asked for the ability to make myself invisible. These were all granted. I thought I was limited to three wishes, so I started to regret not asking for invulnerability because I was worried that I would eventually hurt myself by flying into something, but then the angel said I could have more wishes if I wanted, so I asked for invulnerability, an infinite supply of money, and the ability to influence other people, so they would want to do what I wanted them to do. All of these wishes were granted. Maybe I could have asked for more IDK, but I was pretty excited about my new powers. We went to leave the field. There were some girls out with me. I gave one of them a 50 dollar bill I pulled from my pocket (there was a reason I was giving her money, I can’t remember now, but it was only supposed to be like $1). She tried to not accept it at first, but I insisted, so she took it, and I could tell she was happy about it. We got in our cars to leave and I realized I had a self-driving car. Another car (driven by Becky Brox?) bumped my car as I pulled out, but in the dream it was no big deal and we kept driving. Some other stuff happened, but eventually I decided to go to a strip club. When I got there paid to get in and was walked to a table by a new girl who was very young (like 18). She took me to a booth where another older girl was sitting with a guy already. I was kind of put off because I didn’t really want to be sitting with another guy, but whatever. He was on the other side of a table from me and both the girls were sitting next to him. I realized it was like the younger girl’s first night or something and she was in training with the older girl. I ordered a Jack and Coke from a waitress. The other guy asked for a blowjob (I guess it was more than just a strip club) and the younger girl tried to give him one. I could immediately tell that she wasn’t very experienced at giving BJs and wasn’t very good at it. She was only taking a little in her mouth, and just mechanically going up and down. There was certainly no enthusiasm. The guy eventually got irritated and grabbed the back of her head to… direct her movement. He was definitely being an asshole about it and forcing her down on his dick. I could tell she was trying her best to keep up and not choke. I was trying to decide if I should intervene (shouldn’t the older girl do something?). Eventually he must have cum or something because they all got up and left the table. I was starting to get excited about the possibilities with my new powers at the strip club. I remember in the dream getting really turned on at the idea of influencing one (or more!) of the strippers to suck me off. I think the thing that turned me on the most was that I could make them really WANT to do it, that I could make them think that sucking my cock was about the best thing that could happen to them. I could also make them desperate to be with me. They would want to come sit at my table because they wanted to be around me. I remember getting really turned on by all these thoughts and my dick getting rock hard (in the dream and irl, because I woke up soon afterwards). Anyways, at some point a girl came to sit at my table. She wasn’t dressed like a stripper (she had on a large loose-fitting white t-shirt and regular blue jeans, like a guy would wear). I wondered if she even worked there, or if she was just some gal who walked in (she looked like a girl I used to flirt with in high school English Comp class…Troyann Olson!). Anyways, it seemed like I ordered us a round of drinks and we started talking. I immediately felt a profound connection with this girl and felt a euphoric feeling of contentment wash over me. We moved closer together until we were sitting against each other with our hips touching. I remember the texture of her jeans against me. I was really turned on/comforted by the feel of her body against mine. The lights were low, but I could see her through the lights sparkling around in the club. I remember the feel of her and the warmth of her body. Then I woke up.

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be about a wish for a meaningful connection with someone else. The powerful being granting wishes in the dream indicates that you have a desire to have something special in your life that you cannot achieve on your own. The wishes you ask for are all related to power, strength, and influence - these may represent a wish for control over your life and the ability to make decisions that will benefit yourself and others. The scene at the strip club may represent a wish for a deep and fulfilling connection with someone else, as evidenced by your strong desire to have this person be willing and enthusiastic about being with you. The girl who appears at the end of the dream is likely a representation of the deep connection you desire, as you feel contentment and comfort in her presence.