
Date: 9/16/2023

By Emile

In a future now reality I had immense powers. These powers were incredible and from what I had learned, I had the ability of flight, I could shoot energy beams from my hands and I could use my voice to manipulate audio waves in such a way that it would disrupt enemies. They were bestowed upon me by a great mother-like entity. Even though her name eludes me I remember how she appeared to me. She was bipedal with the legs of a horse and hooves that looked like feet and moved as such. She had a full head of hair that presented itself like a mane. It was a soft violet color and complimented her pale white skin. Her eyes glowed blue when she looked at you and became a flame-like orange when she was mad. She always wore a silver gown that waved in the same fashion as her hair. She was kind and loving and taught me everything I need to know about controlling my powers. In the middle of the ocean is a still lake of the purest water in existence. Perched on top of beams in the middle of this lake was a small temple designed in an old asian style. There she sat everyday, meditating and occasionally teaching me more about my power. I lived in the city with my friends and nobody knew about my power. My apartment (and especially my room) was facing the direction of the sea temple so I may have a clear line of energy between me and my mentor. One evening, I noticed a meteor coming down to earth and its target was the water temple. Without hesitation I flew out the window and straight to the temple; always keeping an eye on the meteor. It seemed as if I wasn't getting closer to the meteor at all. In fact, it seemed to have been moving away from me. As I arrived at the temple, I could feel a tension in the air that wasn't there before. I slowly walked to the room where my "creator" (shall I call her as I cannot recall her having a name) was meditating. She was staring out into the ocean, her eyes glowing orange but not as fiery as when she is angry. I followed her eyeline to the meteors after which they suddenly disappeared. I was staring at her for a moment after which she turned her head to look at me, her eyes now the blue color I have come to know. She seemed sad, like something heavy rested on her shoulders. Before I could say something, she started to speak. She knew I had questions and the meteor was a calling and a sign of how serious the matter was. Without hesitation, she told me to kill my parents. I was in shock and had no idea how to deal with this request. Naturally I refused after which she tried to persuade me. Despite her strong arguments about her raising me into my new life and providing me with my abilities, I did not see the point in killing my biological parents. After refusing the second time, her eyes shifter from blue to orange and her voice started to echo inside my head. She said that if I won't do it, I will have to learn to live without my knowledge and learn to be the higher being that she tried to help me become. I told her off and flew away deeper into the ocean because I didn't want to go home yet. A while into my flight, I saw her disappear in the distance. I was crying a bit as it was not a pleasant experience. On the one hand I felt like I was disappointing her and on the other I can't believe she would have such a request. The tears dried out quickly in the wind and I turned my head back. I was stopped mid-flight as she appeared in front of me, now livid. Her eyes were burning out the edges of their sockets and she appeared to be yelling, but all of it happened in my head. She told me that I did not deserve my power and I will have to learn to appreciate living as the person I am by losing what I have. As she completed her sentence, the ocean beneath me opened into a giant fog filled void. My gift of flight disappeared and I found myself falling for what seemed to be an eternity. I don't know how long this was happening for, but I becane aware again in a standing position with no recollection of what power is and what my life was. All I remembered was being thrown in the new place by someone powerful and that I needed to get out. Looking out over this place, it seemed to be an abandoned city. Still in a future-now setting, but closer to being a slum than anything else. Everyone looked worn, there were poorly designed robots everywhere and they looked a lot like crash test dummies. The people that walked around who looked like people did not seem to fit the environment. Some were well dressed and good looking, while others were half human and half robot. Most of the people, however, were dressed in raggedy clothes and quite dirty. I decided to make my way through the city and figure out what was going on. It didn't take me long to walk past a reflective metal sheet and see my reflection. I was one of the robots.. no eyes but I can see.. no skin but I could feel the wind and the heat.. no mouth but I could talk.. I didn't know what to do, but I soldiered on. I quickly met a friend who told me about the place I was in. He had no name, but he looked like a girl dressed in normal, everyday clothes. He was cool and told me he'd stayed in that place for quite some time. He also showed me how to get rid of my robotic skin and get a "new" human body. The options were limited in the free section, but it had to be better than a robot. I was impressed with my new friend, living in that place did not seem easy and I would have figured it would make one very sour, but not him. He showed me everything and we became very close friends. One day while we were walking around the city, my eye spotted a cat who was mocking me. This was a first and it made me strangely upset. I started running after the cat and finally caught up with it inside an empty wooden building. A voice told me to drop it and without hesitation I did. Three voices behind me started talking and as I turned around, the room was suddenly filled with electronics and couches. The three voices belonged to two women and a man, all asian. They invited me to sit. The two women were friendly and the man seemed to be an asshole. He laughed at my appearance but before I could say anything, my friend walked in and scolded him for being rude. The women apologized and invited the two of us to sit down. We did and they started telling us about how to improve our experience in this abyssal city. The technology they had was incredible and could enhance you in so many different ways. The man then walked over and inserted a chip inside my head. Immediately I felt corrupted by something and I tried to remove it from my head. It was futile as he controlled my brain and was scouring around in it. He started laughing menacingly. The women joined in and the man came to remove the chip a moment later. I jumped up and started beating the life out of him and dragged him into the street. I ran back inside and grabbed the two women and threw them in the street next to the unconscious man. Before I could even think, the police and a big crowd arrived. After telling them my story, they said I should pick one person to execute and let the rest go. Before I could decide, I was woken up by a slamming gate in the yard...