Date: 11/24/2020
By lucysdreams
So I dreamt that it was Eleanor Thea and me at a party and we went outside to look at the sunset. The sunset was like a weird pinky red but very very red and it was taking up the whole sky like nothing would ever seen before it looked super apocalyptic. Then we saw a massive tornado started to form in the middle of the sunset and slowly move across Sydney. The tornado was like a mega tornado like nothing that actually exists on earth so far and was trying to destroy everything in its path. We ran Superfast trying to get into the house but the tornado hit us before we can get in we try to open the door and it didn’t work. It was enough force to lift all the houses up. Somehow we survived and then a man came over and was very angry that I had survived for some reason. He pulled out a gun and said that if the tornado didn’t kill me he would. He shot me in the side of my head and I thought I died as I blacked out. I woke up a couple seconds later to him getting in his yellow car and I realised I had to play dead. He drove away while watching me and almost caught me a couple times. I was super distressed and ran to Eleanor and Thea and told them to call an ambulance and showed them the hole in my temple. They looked at eachother feeling bad for me and said that because of the tornado no ambulances would be running and my wound looked bad. I suggested we walk to Canterbury hospital so we did. On the way we found a house to rest in with some of the guys like Yianni Tony Euan ect. Thea was being very doting and catching me when I fell and baking cookies. I was pretty freaked out and traumatised looking at every yellow car that went past.