Vibrators, a Car Collision and an O’limp’it Runner.

Date: 5/5/2020

By amandalyle

An old friend had come over, who I hadn’t spoken to in years. I found it really awkward and didn’t have a clue what to talk to her about. She was telling me a bit about how her daughter was doing, when I found that my back door was wide open. “What’s going on?” I thought. To my horror, I realised that most of my potted plants had been stolen. It also appeared that my Firepit was missing .. until I found it rusting in a pile of junk at the bottom of the garden. I was enraged. “Who would do this?!” I asked myself. My daughter walked outside and was just staring at this tall wall. “Has this got something to do with you?” I asked. She just blanked me, then started climbing over the wall. At the end of the garden, there was a guy smoking behind a tree. I was going to ask him if I could have a toke of his cigarette, but then I thought better of it. Next scene; There was a knock at the door. This very stern-looking ‘takes-no-prisoners’ lady came storming in, armed with healthy (foul looking) smoothies. She lined them up on the mantlepiece. “Where is she then?” She demanded. “Who?” I asked. “The troubled one!” She replied. “Oh... you mean my daughter!” She nodded. “Come morning, she’ll be put on a strict routine.” She snapped, climbing into my bed(?!) She had made herself right at home. Feeling exhausted, I climbed into bed next to her but was horrified to find she was using a vibrator right next to me. In my hands, I had a dildo, I was debating whether to use. I waited until she was mid-action and then I slipped it down under the sheet. When I walked downstairs in the morning, there were two random guys. A good looking young black guy and an older dude. I noticed the older dude didn’t have any legs. “No legs” I unintentionally blurted out. The black guy coughed and I realised he only had one leg, too. “This one is false.” He said, pulling up his trouser leg. “But it doesn’t stop me.” He said, proudly. “I’m an Olympic runner”. He then put a video clip on the tv of himself in a race. Sure enough, he was pretty good, but I felt like he didn’t need to prove anything to me. I would have taken his work for it. Next scene; My husband had woken me up at the crack of dawn. Apparently, we had somewhere to be. Some sort of social event. We left at 6 am when it was still pitch black. “This will give us plenty of time!” My husband reasoned. All was going well, until we had a collision with another car because both cars wouldn’t give way to the other. “Now we’re going to be stuck here for ages!” I sighed.