3 dreams 1 nightmare

Date: 8/10/2018

By ultro21

in the first dream I was in a big house that was my own. then I was with a chick with a red powered blade?? she was then trying to free these of blades like her on human form from a limbo of trouble. then the next part gets weirder. I end up at a new work place but then I get possession of a gun. I shot the gun at some screen in a clothing store and some how people didn't hear. I was angry walking out. then I'm back at my job and I shot a cat. then a chick I didn't like came in and I shot her. then she phased out of existence. then I go back into my locker room. then she reappeared. then I shot her again and the same thing she phased out of sight. then I realise that a camera was there. then for some reason I was working at another place. but before I know it I am going down some hill and moving extremely fast. This was at night time. then I finally head to that destination of my new job. then later on my aunty Sonya comes and asks if I could help her out with bagging. I said I'm still working but I could. then i realise that I'm at a familiar plaza some where. then after I finished helping i head into the movies. some how I walk in and see a screen. I try to buy tickets for a show and then I'm shown on screne that I am to be evicted soon. then I walk out very frightened. next thing you know I'm back at home and those blades were in the back of my house. I go upstairs and 2 girls seemingly look at me with thus smug evil expression as if I've lost. the pointed out that I was convicted and then I run down stairs out the back into a big pool area. the blades were fighting each other in the pool and I helped resolve the issue. then the blade chick had friend and they defeated the other 2. they then swam in the pool holding literally boomerang shaped swords that had one big line in the middle with teeth sort of teeth going from top to bottom of the main part of the blade for both of them. then they swim together in a circle on unison. then after that my boss acts suspicious and afraid of me. then I run home again and go online looking for a great lawyer. I find one and accept him. then some other lawyer was upset about it Nd his skin was green and he looked like the short guy from the gang on power off girls with his hair covering his eyes. He was really pissed off. then I'm on a online forum and people where calling me monster and saying it was about time. I was so scared hearing that and seeing myself go to jail that I woke up! I do not wish to take a human life! this freaked me the hell out! I'm not like that but something about this dream and the way it ended was too much!