I was in this strange world that i knew nothing of. I was downloading a game or something after I went to visit someone. Then after that it seemed I hac...
In my dream I was in this house with my grandmother and mom. We were hanging out there and then suddenly I moved to a different location. It was like I ...
I was in these jellow like waters slipping through them when suddenly I'm invited to a friends house. Then he was becoming a boxer who challenged some...
it was like I was some rich guy traveling. I was hanging out with a friend of sorts. we were going down this hill side with stories and a gas station. n...
my first part of the dream was about a friend I was hanging out with. he was blond and we were walking home together. he sees his gf and goes to her and...
I was looking forward to seeing a movie that recently came out and it seemed like I was staying in my friends apartment. the movie was on a commercial a...
in the first dream I was in a big house that was my own. then I was with a chick with a red powered blade?? she was then trying to free these of blades ...
i had a dream i was as fast as the flash again. this time with some random chick with powers. this time I wasn't as fast but it still was not normal. it...
the 1st dream I had was oddly enough me having sex with some chick again and Idk why. I didn't dream yesterday but I dreamed today. then 2nd dream was m...
i had 5 dreams 1. The 1st one I saw a city with a series of pictures spread out sperately. there 5 spaced out on a wall and a few more on another buildi...