Sleep Paralysis Event 2- The Embrace - during meditation session

Date: 9/12/2017

By NunoSantos

During a meditation session on my old house. I was alone in the room and experiance a near paralisys event 20min after starting the meditation whith benaural beats. i started to fell my legs num..then the arms..then all body until my neck. At this point i started felling i was seating in a chair and someone was grabing my hands. I recall a foggy vision of a old hexagon table whith people around me grabing my hands like they were contacting a dead person...they were exited to see me there i could ear them speec.. one thing i remenber clearly was losing the sence of time it all apeared like 2 direfent time speeds, not the people or me..but relative to real life. as 2min seam like 1h. after that i lost focus and started to wake. In this awake process a wierd thing hapaned. my left arm remained num and without my controll it lift it up turned to my face trying to grab me. i had to stop it with my other arm. (silly thing but it scared the hell out off me at the time).