i was on the city street with some people seeking a shellter of some kind due to bad weather..all around we had degraded building so we found a skyscrap...
all fuzy; images of people and grey skin aliens (homanoids) very similar to us. Rumble action scenes, they were runing from something in a blowing spac...
The sun was shining!... it was a clear beurifull day to go site seing!.. in stead I found misellf with a group of teenagers on a ruin neiborhood, runing...
I saw a girl having a sleep paralysis in my dream (through her eyes.) she was blonde. mid 20. and the thing grab her by the right arm that she had over ...
[context: I cannot say for sore if it was a sleep paralasys case or a out of the body experiance.. i was sharing the room with my older brother that wee...
During a meditation session on my old house. I was alone in the room and experiance a near paralisys event 20min after starting the meditation whith ben...
Last night after going to bed around mid-night. I was awake until 4am cause i couldnt sleep...after that..in a fraction of a second i fell a sleep and w...
[context]Today i had the most bizar nightmare i ever had too mutch details even to think about it crips me out (lets just say i saw the intirior of my f...
Has i awake in the dream..My head hurts like i was nockout by something...then i notice something strange.. i found myself in prison whith 2 others, a g...
[The dream is placed in a park near a monostier] im alone... its raining and the atmosfer feells heavy. [a thunderstorm is caching like i never saw i...
i guess you can call it that...im still trying to figure it out but i have this dreams since i was a child.. all dreams are diferente.. but there is a c...
[OMG..check bellow for the update] I hardly remenber... its faithed this one.. The last thing i remember is a figure of a man apearing from the white b...