Digital art 4k scene from a movie: We're in the middle of the woods, and the hunt for the elusive creature lurking among the trees has begun.

We're in the middle of rhe woods...and the hunt is on

Date: 5/16/2019

By blucanary

~We're in the middle of the woods. It starts off w a toddler abt 2 or 3 yrs old wandering into my garage (in this dream I live in the woods. I hv but one neighbor within sight). The toddler is tan skinned w short black hair (very thick though). S/he seems to be wearing nothing but a diaper and what looks like a long undershirt. I allow this child into the garage but I dont want it anywhere other than there. I dont want it *in* my home nor do I want it *out* of the garage now that it's in there. I walk off somewhere closing the large dark gray garage door behind me (toddler still w/in). ~ I am now chasing someone through the woods. He's wearing a long gray hooded cape so I cant see what he looks like, but he's limping or something. He's injured. It looks as though he's trying to get away from me. But I'm hunting him down like prey. Slowly. I cd hv overtaken him already were I so inclined, but instead I'm biding my time, slowly following him. The thrill is in the hunt, after all. ~ I think I finally let this cloaked guy go. I already hv another victim at home to play with, and besides, I doubt this guy will find his way out of the deep woods alive anyway. I am losing my interest in him. He is no longer any fun. ~ I head back home. I open the garage door and a horrible wave of heat hits me. I wonder for a second if the toddler cd hv survived in here, it's that hot! But then I see it, sitting towards the middle of the garage, playing w gasoline, a lighter, and a tea candle. S/he doesnt know what s/hes doing of course, or what these things are necessarily. S/hes too young. It's simple plain bad luck these are the 3 items s/he happened to find. I reach the toddler just as it's abt to actually succeed in lighting the lighter. In my minds eye I hv a quick vision - I can see my whole place going up in a blaze and I know that a crisis is very narrowly averted. ~ I scoop the toddler up in my arms. It's eyes looked dazed, like it's barely hanging on, as though being locked in the heat for as long as it had been almost killed it. I take it inside for a bath. ~ I wake up the following morning (in the dream) and my man Al gives me a jar of parmesan cheese. I tell him Im not in the mood. He says I need to do it. I ask if he'll sprinkle the cheese for me. He at first declines bc he gets a little jealous, but then agrees, if doing so will make me happy. This is where I figure out what's going on. Al is going to sprinkle the parmesan on the..."guest"... I hv chained up naked in the back room. The cheese is sprinkled on his..uh..well, his penis area. And then I was to suck/lick the cheese off. This is apparently how I ate breakfast. But my "guest" was *extremely* obese (like at least 600 lbs), and the thought of doing that to him (with him being all sweaty and smelly on top of it all) really turned me off, it made my stomach churn and my gag reflex begin to kick in =/ ~I opted to skip breakfast that morning and thankfully Al finally agrees and allows me to do so (he's so blinded by his love for me that he's allowing me to capture random(?) victims, keep them chained up in a back room of our garage, and then perform sex acts upon/with them). ~ I leave for a bit to do something (idk what). From this point, neither the toddler nor Al are seen/thought of again. When I come home from whatever it was I was doing, the sun was still out. I open the garage door and go inside. I have a bad feeling. I open the back room door. I wont even go all the way in. I peek my head in. The small room is like a hoarders wet dream. And it's dark. I'm afraid of what might be waiting for me in there. I dont see my prisoner. I call out the prisoners name. He's nowhere to be found. Then I see my large area rugs and the rest of the laundry hanging on the line towards the back yard through a window. Everything is covered in thick, dark blood, as though my prisoner had been ripped apart and his blood intentionally poured/splattered specifically on the (no longer)clean laundry. I fear the person or thing that wd kill like this. I hv a feeling of dread in my stomach. I dont trust my neighbors next door, if they're even still alive to be trusted to begin with! ~ So I run. I run through the woods for what seems like forever. I finally find another place. The inside of this place I found is kinda like an RV but it's a house. There's a whole party going on inside. Their set up is slightly different than mine. Their garage is the only part of the house that's ground level. You have to go up the stairs in the garage to enter the actual house part itself. Most of the ppl are partying in the garage. They welcome me in. Everyone's drinking beer and laughing, the few ppl upstairs in the house itself are watching tv. ~ I start off in the garage with the (other?) hillbillies/woods people, until something starts trying to get in. Most of the ppl here have guns, but for some reason, it's not enough for this person/ppl/thing we're up against. We're fine as long as it cant get inside. But then I see something in my minds eye again. A vision. I see this place *after* the attack. EVERYONE is slaughtered! Even the ppl hiding behind the couches beneath some sort of cover! Blood is *EVERYWHERE*! Death is *EVERYWHERE*. ~As soon as I see this, the banging on the garage door begins to get louder, more violent. I head immediately upstairs. Everyone else decides that's a good idea and follows behind me. They wont admit that this person/ppl/thing cd possibly get in, cd defeat them, they're still laughing and drinking beers (gathering the last of the cans & bottles out of the fridge in the garage before heading up, multiple ppl w/ their arms full of Bud Light and Coors), but they do leave the garage at least. A man on the couch with blonde hair wearing a jacket is lying there watching tv. I recognize him from my vision. He was lying on the couch just as he is now, but his arm is hanging limp off the side, his eyes wide open, covered in his own blood, dead. Whomever I saw in the vision behind the couch isn't there yet. I know time is *very* short. I HAVE to hide NOW. Small as the hope may be, it's the only hope I have, as opposed to simply standing there, waiting and allowing this thing to violently & painfully end my life! I squeeze behind the couch, fear making me stupid and hoping and praying that reality will be different from my vision. I get fully behind the couch and beneath the cloth that was behind there as well when the blonde guy on the couch pulls the cloth halfway off me. I realize then that he's the reason the person behind the couch gets killed. He tells the bad guy(s) someone is there on the hope that by telling him where someone else is, he might be let go. He of course is not. So I get out from behind the couch. On the other couch across from him is his gf or wife. For one very brief moment I think abt getting behind the couch she is lying on, but realize almost immediately that she's just like her man and will also rat me out thinking it might save her own @$$. ~ I look around and then, as this guy/these guys/things/whatever they are, are finally getting into the house itself, literally seconds before ppl start panicking and freaking out, I realize the one safe spot. I crawl up on the counters and open the cupboards. They're empty. I need to find a long thin one, the kind w a shelf above it, that I will fit in. With one last vision I know that I will be the only person to survive this slaughter. I *think* it's a retaliation. All of us wood dwellers against all the victims we made for ourselves. Whether it's the rare survivors, the victims' friends & family (making them victims themselves), or possibly even the angry spirits of the ones we killed, I have no idea. I find my shelf just as everyone begins to panic. I get in safe without anyone noticing, without anyone being able to rat out my hiding spot bc it's becoming too chaotic for anyone to pay attention to anyone or anything other than him or her self. I just have to wait it out. Wait out the gunshots...the screaming...the crying...the prayers for safety and salvation...the sound of doors being kicked violently open and furniture being thrown abt... Wait out the aura of fear all around, so thick it's nearly suffocating... And then the silence afterward... When there's nothing left alive to make a sound... Just wait it all out... And I'll be safe.

AI generated interpretation This dream contains a complex mix of themes and symbols that reflect deeper emotions and conflicts within your subconscious mind. Let's break down some key elements of the dream and their potential psychological meanings: 1. The Woods: The woods in dreams often represent the unknown or the unconscious mind. Being in the woods can symbolize feeling lost or disoriented in your waking life. 2. The Toddler: The toddler in the dream may symbolize innocence, vulnerability, or a new aspect of yourself that needs nurturing and protection. Your reluctance to let the toddler out of the garage may reflect a desire to contain or control this vulnerable part of yourself. 3. The Hunt: Chasing someone through the woods and hunting them down like prey can represent feelings of aggression, power dynamics, or a need for control in your waking life. It may also suggest a desire to confront or overcome obstacles or challenges. 4. Al and the Parmesan Cheese: Al in the dream may represent a significant relationship in your waking life, possibly a partner or a dominant figure. The act of sprinkling parmesan cheese on the obese guest and the subsequent disgust you feel may symbolize feelings of manipulation, degradation, or dissatisfaction in a relationship. 5. The Party and the Attack: The party in the RV house may represent social interactions or external distractions in your waking life. The impending attack and the vision of everyone being slaughtered suggest deep-seated fears, anxieties, or a sense of impending doom. Hiding behind the couch and in the cupboard may symbolize a desire to escape or avoid confronting these fears directly. Overall, this dream may indicate a mix of feelings related to vulnerability, control, power dynamics, hidden desires, and fears of loss or harm. It could reflect inner conflicts, unresolved emotions, or fears that are manifesting in your subconscious mind. Exploring these themes further through self-reflection or therapy may help you gain deeper insights into your thoughts and emotions.