Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Dall-E, generate an image of a person leading a group through an underground base, with a dead horse hanging above a door and a row of large arched doors with dimmer light switches next to them, as well as a strange rounded knife found in a pile of junk in the corner of a room.

Underground Base, Darkness, and a Dead Horse, all with Me Leading the Way. That Cant be Good =/

Date: 3/6/2019

By blucanary

I thought I had forgotten last nights dream but out of nowhere, as I was eating cheesecake jello, I suddenly remembered a good piece of it! But how do I even describe this?! I was.. I dont even know.. I was in a sort of... Underground.. rusty..massive..dark..tunnel-like..secret base! YES! THAT'S IT! I was in a underground, rusty, massive, dark, tunnel-like, secret base! I had a group of ppl w me. I was leading them to what was going to be our new hide out/training grounds/home. What we were hiding from, Idk. Maybe society as a whole had gone mad. I had been in this underground base before, but it had been so long, and it was so dark and labyrinthine in there that it was very confusing getting around. With me leading the way, we climbed further down into the base a la a rusty metal underground ladder deal, and came to a narrow hallway. To the left, it opened up just a little to reveal a door. Just above the door were bars...almost like the monkey bars children play on (just the bars though, not the whole playground set, the sides werent there, ugh I wish I cd draw this bc Im hvng a difficult time explaining it) Whatever, anyway, on top of the bars was a dead brown horse, his legs hanging down between the bars, and beneath his stomach was a baseball bat. I knew this area really well! I was relieved to find an area I knew. From here, it was just around the corner to the secret opening of where I had been looking for all along! The secret opening was a long row of doors (the doors were large and arched, like what I imagine crematory doors to look like, only much larger). These doors were a puzzle. As everyone stood staring at all these doors, I found the light switch (the first one in this underground base) and turned the light on (oh, the light wasnt just one switch you flip up and down. They were more like dimmers, and like the doors, there was a whole row of them side by side) . The row of doors is suddenly flooded w light to everyones surprise. I flip another switch and one of the doors opens. We all walk through to a large empty room (empty, but w more doors). I give everyone some sort of pep talk abt protecting ourselves or whatever and that's when I realize that none of us even have weapons. I look around and see that one of the guys has a bat. I ask him if he got it from beneath the dead horse. He did. I was a little disappointed bc I had planned to grab that myself, but okay, whatever. Good for him. So I look around some more. In one corner of the room which I thought was empty upon first entering, I know find a small pile of junk. I look through the junk and find a couple knives. One of the knives was weird. It had a rounded blade (like a spreading knife thing! You cant actually cut anything w it, it's just used to spread stuff like cheese dip or guacamole or whatever) and then on the tip of the rounded "blade", was a small metal spike. That spike was the part you hurt ppl with. It wasnt the greatest weapon, obviously, but as the expression goes, beggars can't be choosers. So I take both "knives". I also take a plank of wood. I feel kinda bad for taking 3 different things to protect myself w/, when most everyone else here has nothing, but I am the leader after all, I'm in the front, I'll probably deal w most of the trouble anyway. And if someone else gets into some trouble I can just throw them one of my things. Anyway, to continue on. I get one of the doors in the room open, but from here I need help. I tell one of the girls to go out the door we just entered and go back to the light switch. I needed her to start at the first switch and work her way through trying to find the switch that opened the door we now needed. So she had to flip a switch, walk back to the door of the large room everyone else was waiting in, so she cd hear my yell yes or no while I was in this new room by myself waiting to see if the switch she flipped opened up the next door or not. Everyone else was between her and I in the large "empty" room. I was afraid that she might flip a switch that wd lock me in this dark room by myself, but the fact that this might happen is why I made everyone else wait in the large room before this one. I was taking my chances to see if she wd flip the correct switch instead if flipping the one that wd make this pitch black small hole of a room my tomb. The room was so black though that I had to be inside of it, right up next to the next door just to be able to see if it opened or not! It was THAT dark! And that's all the cheesecake jello allowed me to remember. Maybe I shd eat more goodies and see if anything else allows me to remember another piece of the dream! Lol! (Any excuse to eat sweets, even the most ridiculous excuse like this one! Hahaha!)

AI generated interpretation Your dream is rich with symbolism and suggests a complex internal struggle within yourself. The underground base represents the subconscious mind or hidden aspects of yourself that you are exploring. The darkness and labyrinthine nature of the base symbolize confusion, uncertainty, and a sense of being lost or disconnected from the world above ground. Leading a group of people through this underground base could indicate a sense of responsibility or leadership in navigating challenging or unknown situations in your waking life. The fact that you are seeking a new hideout or home suggests a desire for security and safety, possibly stemming from feelings of vulnerability or instability in your current circumstances. The dead horse hanging from the bars above the door is a powerful symbol that often represents the end of something or a sense of loss. The presence of a baseball bat beneath the horse could symbolize aggression, protection, or a need for defense in the face of challenges. The row of puzzle-like doors with dimmer switches may represent the complexity and unpredictability of life choices and decision-making. The struggle to find the right switch to open the next door suggests a feeling of being trapped or overwhelmed by obstacles in your path. Your role as the leader in finding weapons for protection signifies a need for empowerment and self-reliance in facing adversity. The knives and plank of wood you find could represent tools for defense or tools for spreading your influence and making a mark in the world. The girl you send back to find the correct switch may symbolize a need for collaboration or assistance from others in overcoming obstacles. The fear of being trapped in the dark room alone highlights feelings of isolation, uncertainty, and a struggle to find your way out of challenging situations. Overall, your dream reflects a sense of vulnerability, confusion, and a search for security and empowerment in the face of adversity. It may be a reflection of your current struggles or fears in waking life, urging you to confront hidden emotions and navigate challenging situations with strength and resilience.