Date: 9/16/2018
By belle7244
It was the first day of school, and there were these 2 new edgy guys in my classes. They were bigger in my last class of the day, French, and they sat across the room from me. They all of the sudden whipped out guns and said “give us all your money!!” They never made it to me or the rest of the back rows, but the front two rows got robbed and the two guys left. I was shaken up, but everyone else was like “ah that was weird” and just went back to doing French work. The next day, I went to class and the one edgy kid was in my first block. I sat behind him. I was so nervous, I watched him the whole time. I didn’t want him to do what he had done in French again. He didn’t, but then French came around again and the same thing happened. Guns out, “give us your money”, leaving our the back rows, and leaving. I asked my teacher “why don’t you care more?” She told me “yeah, they just do this. Their third day is usually the last”. So, the next day in French, my teacher called me up closer to the board so I could talk to her. Then, you guessed it, guns. They came up to me last, because I was closest to the door. This time I was calm and said “hey man, I don’t have any money on me, sorry about that”. The one kid cocked his gun and the other threw my backpack down in front of me and started searching. I said “hey, good idea, maybe there’s some in there I lost” and I helped him look. He completely skimmed over my wallet, so I didn’t give it to him. We ended up finding $17 in my backpack and they left. I closed my backpack and went back to doing what I was doing. Suddenly I couldn’t breathe and then I woke up.