Who Let the Cows Out? Who? Who? ... It Wasn’t Me! (*Said in Shaggy Voice*) 🐮

Date: 6/4/2020

By amandalyle

I had been left in charge of this massive farm. Darlene’s Farm, in fact. (if you watch the Ozarks you’ll know exactly who I mean - terrifying woman!). I had taken my eyes off the farm for all of 5 seconds as I was scrolling through Facebook (I’ve been Facebook free for 8 years in real life. Bloody hate it!) laughing at pictures of my ex on his stupid dirt track bike. He’d been shamed for NOT social distancing and his picture was in the county gazette. “Prick” I cursed, under my breath. When I looked up, I noticed that the cows had gone... they had shot off at great speed and there was no way in hell I was going to get them back. For some reason, I started to laugh hysterically, like some insane person (much like the time I almost ploughed down an entire family and their dog, reversing out of a parking space at Lyme Regis, and I was so shocked by what I had almost done, I didn’t know what to do... so I just laughed. Hysterically. Nonstop. For half an hour.) Moving on... Anna (a friend of a friend) asked me what was so funny and I told her that the cows had made a run for it. Her face filled with horror. “Oh Shit, Amanda... Darlene’s going to kill us!” My laughter came to an abrupt pause. “Ah shit... you’re probably right!” I replied, reflecting on the severity of what had just happened. Next scene; I was now working in a shop (much like the Co-op) Kristen Wigg was my coworker and was kindly showing me around. She kept doing really strange things like hiding under a stack of umbrellas or sliding across the freshly mopped floor. She was a real hoot... but sadly, the manager didn’t take much of a liking to me and I had lost the job by the end of the day. Can’t say I was too sad about it. Next scene; I had made a packed lunch for this random family. I thought I had done a good job, until I walked by and saw that there was a bunch of half eaten food everywhere. They haven’t even touched the apple I gave them. “Ungrateful fuckers.” I sighed. On second glance, the food was mostly stodge. I did a shit job choosing a balanced diet. Next scene; My daughter told me she had put two letters in my bag. Sure enough, I found them in the outer pocket of said bag. They were blank with no addresses. “You’ll need to put an address on them.” I said. “Who are they for?” She told me they were for the school, but I didn’t believe her. Something was telling me she was lying and up to no good.