Digital art, As the team descends deeper into the manmade underwater catacombs, they discover a missing colleague's body - but it's what they find inside that sends them running for their lives.

Underwater catacombs horror movie nightmare

Date: 4/12/2022

By alessbd

So I basically dreamt an entire horror movie last night. I think it was me, my mom, and my dad and we were at this company (no idea what it actually was) but they had this giant catacomb of underwater caves. But they weren’t natural caves they were manmade with grates and metal and stairs and stuff. But underwater. No idea what they were for, but this company had them under their buildings for some reason. there was something wrong/fishy going on at the company so my mom my dad and I were gonna investigate the company or something. But then they said to us “hey, we’ll give you each $6000 if you go down into the catacombs and try to find this guy who went missing down there” and we were like … ok guess we’ll try it. So we got in full-on scuba gear and everything and went down into these catacombs with these two scuba experts from the company (idk why the experts couldn’t have gone by themselves but whatever). It was actually really scary because it was like sensory-deprivation in a way bc we’re in these scuba suits and it was kind of difficult to talk to one another and it wasn’t dark necessarily but it was this weird fluorescent manmade lighting that reminded me of the backrooms. It felt like the backrooms but vertical and underwater. So we’re going further and further down the caves and I know some scary sus shit happened in between but I can’t remember every detail unfortunately. But anyway we finally get down to this big room and we end up finding this teenage girl who had also gone missing. She was just chillin down there leaning against the wall and she was like “hey” like she didn’t seem that nervous or scared. So we were like “are you okay?” And she was like “yeah ive been down here a while. Its fine” so we decided to bring her up with us as well. Then we find the guy who went missing - but he was dead. We all thought it was really disturbing and sad, especially the two experts bc I guess he was a colleague of theirs. But it was weird bc he didn’t have a scuba suit on or anything he was just a dead body floating in the water. One of the experts had brought a body bag so we zipped it around the dead guy. We were also realizing how hard it was gonna be to bring him back up the stairs bc we had gone so far down. So we’re all struggling to get the body bag up the stairs - most of us are behind the bag pushing it. Suddenly I see the zipper move a little and I was like “did anyone else just see that move?” And everyone else was like “hell no” essentially and backed away from the bag. But it wasn’t like the dead guy was unzipping it, it was just coming unzipped very slowly on its own bc of the pressure. So essentially in slow motion, it comes unzipped and the body sort of slowly falls out and down the stairs a little. But as it’s falling it turns over onto the stomach and the teenage girl says “there’s something in his ass…” and we all look closer and there’s one of those giant wooden stakes that were used to kill vampires back in the day shoved up his ass it was so weird. But then, the body slowly turns back over in the water and HIS EYES WERE OPEN THIS TIME. Everyone freaks out of course and we all flee out of there leaving him behind. It was kind of an abrupt ending but I think my parents and I just agreed never to talk about it again. I also remember there being something vaguely religious about the whole thing but I can’t really remember what. Maybe it was a cross shoved up his ass idk