Digital art 4k scene from a movie: As she and her daughter descended the cellar stairs in search of a backpack, they encountered a collection of eerie mannequins and statues that seemed to come to life, causing them to remain vigilant and apprehensive as they made their way back upstairs.

The Mannequins Have Eyes (you know, instead of 'The Hills have Eyes'! Lol awesome!)

Date: 4/13/2019

By blucanary

~I was at my mums house w/ my daughter, Q. (She's 20, and I'm in my later 30's). A friend of hers was with her. Some girl w/ med length black hair, kinda chunky, wearing this black and gray striped dress (cotton, the skirt part itself was kinda loose-ish, w black & gray stripes. The top was all black and had the shoulders cut out [so there was a strap over the shoulders and then also one across the a sleeve w a v-shaped cut out of the actual shoulder. Ugh I hate describing stuff but I want to make sure I can reacall this later]) ~The three of us walked across the street to my house (I dont live across the str from my mum irl). I had my arm across Q's waist the whole time and my head resting on hers (even though irl she's actually taller than me now at freaking 5'8/5'9. I'm only 5'5) I was caressing her face and whispering into her ear. I just wanted to be close to my baby girl. I wasnt out-right TRYING to be rude to her friend. I see now that it was rude, but in the dream...well, you know. ~Her friend is a few feet ahead of us and as she opens the screen door to my house, I realize I left all my stuff at my mums. It was too much for me to carry alone so I ask Q to go back with me to grab it. Her friend goes into my house to wait for us. Q and I go back across the street and begin getting my stuff. I grab a few purses I had over there that my mum wanted out of her house, a big jar of facial cream (she just brought me some crap@$$ facial cream the other day, so maybe that's why this is in here?) and a big yellow laundry basket (another thing she brought me the other day). Q grabs a few books of mine. I realize I have a backpack downstairs in the cellar I need and ask Q to get it for me. She says no (rightly so, as you'll see in a moment!) so I say "Alright, but you're at least going WITH me down there" to which she gave no protest (I expected a protest bc I thought she was just too lazy to go dwnstrs). I put the stuff down to free my hands and we walk through the kitchen (my mums actual kitchen! Which is weird bc the houses in my dreams are almost never correct! Lol) and reach the cellar door (which irl is actually the laundry room door). Standing in the corner of the door (between the door itself and the kitchen window, so when you open the door these things Im abt to mention are hidden BEHIND the open door now) are two naked (anatomically NOT correct, flat in front like Ken) Asian male mannequins. They're a bit creepy but I ignore them. Q and I open the door and walk down the cellar stairs. The cellar is filled with a bunch of mannequins and statuettes and the like. When we get to the very bottom of the stairs, I need to go towards the right where there is a closet. That's where my bag is. Towards the left is a blue and white Asian lion statuette (amongst many other statues and mannequins). It starts moving towards us. We see it out of our peripheral vision and Q exclaims "I SAW IT MOVE!". We look at it for a moment and then look away again and it got even closer! Real close! So I tell her to keep her eyes on it! They can't move if we're watching them! So she keeps her eyes to the left and I keep mine to the right so we have them all within our sights. I move between mannequins and statuettes as I head to the closet and grab my bag. As I make my way back though, I start (acting like a dumb@$$!) karate chopping (not breaking them though) these things and kicking them in the face saying things like "Yeah?! Watcha gonna do pussy-@$$ motherf***er?!", poking them in their cement, ceramic and plastic eyes. I'm CLEARLY just trying to look cool in front of my daughter. Even though that was probably the least cool thing in the world I cd have done, but this is *me* we're talking abt, so... It's plausible, lol. As I'm doing it Im thinking "crap I hope these things dont take this personally and decide to make their way up the stairs during the night and come get me! Even if we lock the cellar door, the two in front of the door cd unlock it for these ones down here (they had hands bc they were manniquins, Im sure they cd unlock the door!) and mum wont put them dwnstrs, she wdnt listen to us. If *I* put them dwnstrs she'll not only get angry but she'll just bring them right back up anyway [or more likely call me to go back over there and make *me* bring them back up since I wd be the one who had taken them down there to begin with]). As we were making our way back upstairs I told Q to look up the stairs while I kept looking down them. I also prayed that the two up front wdnt slam the door shut on us and lock us down here. ~Dun dun dun, cliff hanger ending. You decide! Did we make it out?! (Yes. Yes we did. Though it didnt show it, it was like watching a movie where it doesnt SHOW what happens exactly, but you know!)

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to be a reflection of your deep emotional connections, fears, and concerns as a parent, especially in relation to your daughter, Q. The presence of your daughter’s friend in the dream may represent the influence of others on your relationship with your daughter. Your protective and affectionate behavior towards your daughter in the dream suggests your strong desire to nurture and care for her, even though you may at times be overly focused on her to the exclusion of others, as depicted by your behavior towards her friend. The setting of the dream, involving your mother's house and your own, may symbolize your past and present relationships with your family members, as well as aspects of your own identity and motherhood. The items you gather from your mother’s house, such as purses and facial cream, could represent emotional baggage or influences from your past that you are trying to integrate into your present life. The mannequins and statuettes in the cellar could symbolize hidden fears or insecurities that you are facing, particularly in relation to your daughter's well-being and safety. The moving statuette and your aggressive behavior towards the mannequins may reflect your attempts to confront and overcome these fears, perhaps by trying to show strength and protectiveness in the face of perceived threats. Your fear of the mannequins coming to life and your efforts to keep them in check by watching them closely suggest a sense of vulnerability and the need to stay vigilant in protecting yourself and your loved ones from potential dangers or negative influences. The ambiguous ending of the dream, with the uncertainty of whether you and your daughter make it out safely, may indicate unresolved feelings or fears that you are still processing in your waking life. Overall, this dream seems to touch upon themes of protection, motherhood, family dynamics, hidden fears, and the need for vigilance in facing challenges. It may reflect your subconscious thoughts and emotions surrounding your role as a parent and the complexities of relationships within your family and social circles. Consider exploring these themes further to gain insight into your deeper emotions and concerns.