Bubble Guns

Date: 12/6/2020

By leusid

There was a ton of shit going on. There was a guy standing in front of some kind of warehouse garage at night with two guns attached to cords and he was just standing there yelling and shooting bullets at the street at a high rate of fire. Even though they were somehow cord fed, periodically the "clip" would empty and he'd have to wait or do some kind of motion to get it to reload, but he didn't seem to be afraid of running out of ammo. Eventually it transitioned to me holding the guns shooting, and I realized only the right one was shooting... Or only the right one was shooting bullets? The left one was shooting.... Bubbles?? Before long I realized they were both shooting bubbles, and I was unleashing a torrent of bubbles over the street. It was daytime now too. Kids started gathering around and marveling at the bubbles. I was trying to do different stuff, like pressing the barrels close together so the bubbles would coagulate into bigger bubble blobs. Then we saw a kid who had somehow gathered a bunch and tied them to a little boat like balloons. I went back inside to blow up some more balloons for the kids. There were a ton of balloons strewn about a table. I feel like the inside of this place resembled an old ship lol. Also the floor was tilted at a ridiculous angle like some sort of weird funhouse. The kids came inside to see. I could barely stay standing still, I kept sliding down the sloped floor. The kids were struggling too. I was like yeah it's annoying huh, then felt bad for saying that because it was apparently somebody else's place they were just letting me use. Later a ton more shit happened. I was chatting with Giselle and gave her a hug, then felt guilty and hoped I didn't make her uncomfortable. Craig showed up and everyone was excited. Giselle said Craig looked exactly like an older version of me and that she hoped that wasn't fucked up. I wanted to see so we rewinded it, but this time when Craig showed up he was actually Steve. I was like this is Steve not Craig, and Giselle was like does that matter, and I was like yeah Steve isn't my cousin! Lol. A bunch of shit kept happening, most of which I don't remember. Something about being at a school, running around it in a big circle, a bunch of staff were moving from one classroom to another and one guy got there first so I decided to clap for him as if he'd won a race, and everyone erupted in applause and I thought it was funny, somebody said "are we even surprised?" Like apparently that guy always wins? Idk lol.