Hidden on a flight to Spain

Date: 5/28/2020

By lucysdreams

I was hidden on a plane with one other person. My friend got caught by staff (while the plane had already taken off, which by the way was scary and incredibly bumpy and falling here and there) and confessed what we were doing. The flight attendants literally did not care but they made us pay. He paid $1.5 million to get us first class seats. I was outraged because I could never pay that much money but he said it was the only option and we will find a way. When we landed we skipped security and found that we were in Spain with school kids waiting for us. We accompanied them out because they were there for us, and I talked to one guy. He told me we are alike and I told him I am far from rich and dislike people with too much wealth. He went to the most expensive private school in the world but he told me he actually agreed and had no choice. I was skeptic to believe him but he elaborated on his democratic-socialist beliefs. I was happy with that.