mad max heli-car

Date: 5/10/2020

By DevaJu5395

I was in what felt like a nursing home, although the only people I saw there were the workers and children who were referred to as 'visitors.' I was told to go with the visitors and see to it that they went outside. The building was an old historic two story home, like a gabled style you see in Louisiana, and it had multiple doors leading outside. I approached one little boy to bring him outside but he shook his head. I went to a little girl and asked if she wanted to go outside but she didn't want to either. So I asked if she just wanted to have a look outside and she agreed. So we walked around the house, opening each door and peering outside. There was some kind of disarray at each door; outside of one was what looked like an old RV that had burned from the inside out. From another we saw a wrecked car. Finally, a door opened to just a side yard with no debris around and the little girl stepped out into the grass. At that moment, the sun shone on her face and I realized how translucent her skin was, how sunken her eyes were. She's never been outside before, I thought to myself in horror. She walked carefully and slowly through the tall grass and beyond her I could see part of the parking lot. At first, I thought it was just the sun refracting, but I concluded that the lights on every car in the parking lot were in fact, on. In broad daylight. This unnerved me and I brought the girl back in and checked myself out. I had to walk all the way through the crowded parking lot of cars with their lights on (with no one in them) and across the street to a small parking lot where my husband and son were apparently parked and waiting for me next to an old warehouse. My son asked if he was going in and I said, "Hell no! Something's up with that place." I went to the trunk and retrieved a hot pink rifle and some sort of analog cassette player, like a walkman and voice memo recorder in one. I placed the gun in the front seat and turned on the analog device. I started walking a few paces towards the other parking lot and immediately, the lights in the cars started dimming and flickering. Evidently, I had been checking the place out for some reason or other, and this test confirmed some sort of suspicion? It was like that place was casting some kind of field that only an analog device could penetrate. I told my husband I needed to shut them down and he asked if it was really a good idea. I said, "No, but what choice do I have? Those children have never seen the light of day!" Just then, a strange red vehicle pulled into the parking lot two spaces away from us. It was like a helicopter that had been turned into a car. It had no propeller or doors, and looked like it had been through a war. Hurriedly, I covered the gun with a scarf and stood outside of the car to subtly investigate, acting like I was talking to my husband but I could overhear the driver talking to the other people in the heli-car thing. He was talking about seeing things, things I had seen inside the building, and he was acting freaked out, like something had drawn him there. This intrigued me so I pulled away from our car and started to approach them. My husband stage whispered to me, "Are you sure you wanna talk to them??" and I just waved him off and walked over to the heli-car. "What did you say you saw?" I asked the man, and he started listing random items I had seen in the house. "Like, in your field of vision?" I prodded, and he said, "No, on the road in front of me on the way here." He trailed off as I began to take in their appearance. There were five of them, the man and a woman in the passenger seat, and three young men behind them. They were dressed like some scraggly mad max characters, and their sun-burnt skin was leathery and just off, almost like it was stretched across their real skin or something. It was hard to look at. I said something about how those items were in that house, as I pointed across the parking lot and I said they needed to be stopped. The woman spoke up: "Yes, those poor children." "Yes!" I exclaimed in agreement. "They've never seen the sun! We need the sun! We are nature!" She nodded and said, "We are dirt!" but the way she said it didn't sound quite as reverent as my tone. She got out and began to slowly approach me, repeating what she had said, and I barely noticed the man had gotten out too and walked passed me to our car. He was talking to my son through the window in hushed tones. I turned around and said, "Hey! What are you saying to him?!" and the man didn't acknowledge me but raised his voice and said, "They're going to get you too, boy! The Science is going to get you too!" I lunged toward him but the woman and the other guys threw electrical cords around me, holding me back. I fought them off of me and reached for a broken metal sign post that was leaning against the warehouse. I smacked the man over the head with it and he stumbled a few paces around the corner of the building and fell. "No one's going to get my son!" I shrieked as I stabbed the sign post through the man's foot and into the ground.