Movie Theater Panic

Date: 4/11/2018

By belle7244

It began with my mom and dad driving me to a movie theater in the woods. It was painted red and looked like a barn. Inside it had wooden floors and benches. I waited for my friend as my parents sat down. My friend eventually came out of the theater and told me some guy was watching her and planning to kidnap her and I. I didn’t go in, seeing a movie about getting kidnapped and then actually getting kidnapped was too much for me. I went to go to the bathroom, but down the small hallway to where I thought was the public bathroom was a child’s bedroom and bathroom. I sat in the random kid’s bed since he wasn’t there and tried to make myself calm down. I came back to the lobby and my parents were pissed that I was scared and my friend was sitting and freaking out like I was. My parents took us outside and we looked at the nature and had a fun time. Once we were back inside, my friend and I worked up the courage to go into the theater. There were a bunch of sketchy guys staring at us, so we panicked and left again.